Ginsburg Supporters Plan to BURN Eucharist

The United States has rapidly returned to its anti Catholics past in recent days, with various groups threatening to carry out terror attacks on churches during Mass.

At one location, women sang ‘Thank God for abortion’ as they circled a church menacingly.

Thankfully, Catholic men were on hand to pray the Rosary and to protect the church from violence.

Now, supporters of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the former Supreme Court Justice, have stated their intention to set fire to the Eucharist.

In a social media post, the pro abortion group Ruth Sent Us said that they hope to burn the Eucharist, writing:

In the past year, churches in Canada have been set on fire by the hundred as have those in France.

Yet efforts to desecrate the Eucharist on such a violent scale is representative of a whole new scale of violence and blasphemy.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops and President Joe Biden can only stay silent for so long while these attacks grow more numerous and aggressive.

As Catholics attend Mass in New York this morning under police protection, even long term pro aborts must be asking themselves if this is the country that they wanted.