Violence Against Catholics On Ballot in US Midterms

American Catholics go to the polls today faced with a Democratic Party who are either indifferent to or actively supportive of terrorist attacks on Catholic churches, or with a Republican Party that did not do enough to protect the church from attacks during its last term.

Neither party is particularly friendly to Catholicism in the grand scheme of things, and both are an affront to the sanctity of life in their own ways, be it through imperialist wars that overwhelmingly damage Christians (such as Iraq, where 81% of Christians were wiped out) or through regressive economic policies.

Regardless, the election of Joe Biden and subsequent reversal of Roe vs. Wade has led to an all out war on the Catholic faith in the United States of America.

There have been over 200 attacks on churches and on centres designed to help women in crisis pregnancies, many of these have included arson, yet the Biden administration has not even uttered a word against these, let alone made an arrest.

The same period has also seen prolifers arrested and even jailed.

In October, Biden’s Department of Justice targeted Mark Houck, a father of seven in a terrifying raid at his family home over a disagreement at an abortion centre.

Armed police also showed up to the home of Paul Vaughn, a father of 11.

We warned about this at the time of Biden’s election. Phoney panic over supposed Islamic terrorists is no longer fashionable (nor were the criminal wars against them ever justified), Catholics were the obvious next target.

The Biden Administration also jailed Fr. Fidelis CFR for his opposition to abortion.

In August, The Atlantic declared that the Rosary was an ‘extremist symbol’.

In other instances, churches have been surrounded by anti Catholics during Mass.

Proaborts have also entered Masses.

It should be noted that violence was beginning to escalate during the last months of the Trump Presidency, but that does not change the political source of it, the Democratic Party and various leftist factions.

As Americans go to the polls today, they are free to choose who they wish, however, we would implore them to consider only voting for those who wish to end this violence.