Nicaragua Marxist Regime Persecutes Church

The failed Marxist experiment of South America continues in Nicaragua, with Catholics now being targeted by the regime of Daniel Ortega.

Ortega, who has been accused of sexually abusing his own stepdaughter, has turned his attention towards the church in recent years and started to persecute and imprison members of the clergy, while also expelling nuns.

Firstly, Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity were expelled by the perverted and violent regime. Despite mostly working to help the poor and those in need, the regime indicted them on ‘terror’ charges for ‘non compliance’.

Ortega also ordered the shutting down of Catholic TV stations as part of their persecution.

Most menacingly, Father Manuel García has been flung into prison after pro government young people (of the sorts that Ireland has many of) showed up at his house abusing him verbally abusing him and claiming that he had attacked them with a knife. The allegations have since been withdrawn, but the government continues to jail him. Garcia’s original accuser was actually JAILED when she testified that the charges were untrue.

Now, two more priests Msgr. José Leonardo Urbina and Father Manuel Salvador García Rodríguez have been arrested also, both on false charges that are denied by the alleged victims themselves.

Ortega’s military have also surrounded various churches and harassed bishops and priests.

Communist thug Ortega is a long time associate of Irish President Michael D Higgins. Higgins made international headlines after he recently linked a massacre of Catholics in Nigeria to Climate Change. In 1989, Higgins hosted the anti Catholic dictator at his home in Galway.

Higgins is yet to condemn or even publicly acknowledge Ortega’s recent attacks on the church, though after his comments about Nigeria, that might be no harm.