Satanic Scenes in Stormont as London Gets Its Way

Ireland, North and South, is merely a vassal state of an island, with little to no direction of its own without dictation by outside forces.

On the day that Prince Charles was cheered by adoring crowds in Waterford, the puppet government at Stormont in Northern Ireland was voting to ban Catholics from praying near abortuaries or from offering to help women who were being pressured into abortions.

When the order came from London to oppose abortion in recent years, Sinn Fein were so ecstatic that they dropped decades of opposition to Westminster and accepted the right of Britain to rule the North for the first time in its history. They followed through on that subservience tonight, by voting to make sure that Irish babies in the wombs of mothers being pressured would be terminated as per London’s orders.

The so called ‘Safe Access Zones’ Bill was introduced by Green party MLA Clare Bailey, after months of unsubstantiated media claims surrounding alleged poor behaviour by Catholics praying or offering help to women in need.

To celebrate, she was seen shrieking in scenes that have sent shockwaves around social media for the sheer callousness of their nature and also for the sheer delusion that this was some achievement on her behalf.

Westminster made the call, the Green Party and Sinn Fein just did as they were told.

Sinn Fein are now hoping to repeat the same feat in the South of Ireland, with British born and raised Paul Gavan indicating his intention to introduce similar legislation.

This is despite the fact that a recent documentary completely debunked his baseless claims against Irish prolife campaigners.

Some priests have had the decency to warn Catholics that voting for parties such as the SDLP or Sinn Fein is no longer compatible with being a Catholic, as both have betrayed their roots by colluding to introduce abortion.

Today is a sad day for Northern Ireland, but a joyous one for those who cash the checks from Stormont while feigning a desire for separation from Great Britain and illusion of independence.