Corpus Christi from Around the World

Thursday, 3rd of June, marked Corpus Christi 2021.

The Feast Day of the Body of Christ, it is normally marked by Eucharistic Processions through the streets, but on this occasion they were more sporadic than in past years due to the current lockdown crisis.

Nonetheless, many striking images have been posted across the Catholicsphere.

Some of the most beautiful processions took place, as they normally do, in Spain. The procession in Toledo was full of its usual beauty and class.

In Detroit, the Institute of Christ the King the Sovereign Priest led the procession.

Venezuela’s Corpus Christi always includes the esoteric ‘dancing devils’, in the tradition of penitents who accompany the procession.

In Mexico, trucks carried the Blessed Sacrament through the streets. There was also a procession inside the grounds of the shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

In Brazil, President Jai Bolsonaro attended Mass after travelling on a motorbike.

Processions took place throughout Brazil.

In the Holy Land too, children honoured the Blessed Sacrament with flowers as is the custom.

In the heart of Europe in Vienna.

In New South Wales, they had a stunning night time Corpus Christi Procession. Photos from Giovani Portelli at St. Jerome’s Parish page.


Last but not least, there was the stunning procession in Warsaw.

You can see a video of the event by clicking this link.

Some photos of the event are below, taken by photographer Marta Skok.