Church Destroyed and Priest Attacked in Dark Week for Scottish Catholics

Two awful stories from Scotland this week.

Firstly, a priest in Edinburgh was attacked by a man brandishing a broken bottle. The aggressor entered St. Mary's Cathedral and asked the priest, who was praying alone, if he was a priest. When he stated that he was the thug then tried to stab him in the head with a broken bottle.

The priest managed to grab a chair and fend off the demonic thug, whi repeatedly lunged at him in an effort to shove the broken bottle into his head.

Eventually the violent coward fled the scene and the priest avoided injury.

Then last night, the third oldest church in Scotland erupted in flames in Glasgow.

Established by Irish priest Fr. Daniel Gallagher in 1858, the church hosts many of the Polish Community's Masses in the city.

Authorities are still investigating but both events come at a time when Anglo Protestant countries such as Canada and the United States have been gripped by anti Catholic terrorism. We hope that this is not the case, but the growing hatred for Catholics from Anglo Protestant journalists and politicians is a form of stochastic terror, where elites incite attacks by egging ordinary people into them. This has been done in Canada through conspiracy theories about ‘mass graves’ being created to facilitate ‘mass murder’. In reality the secular Canadian authorities woudln’t pay to repatriate the bodies and the Residential Schools had no option but to bury those who died on site.

Please pray for an end to the current demonic forces plaguing Catholics in Anglo Protestant countries.