Ireland's Rosary Rally Revolution

Despite efforts at smearing by pro austerity politicians in anti Irish political party Labour and pro Orange Order party Sinn Fein, the Men’s Rosary Rally continues to grow from strength to strength across Ireland, North and South.

Beginning in the Autumn of 2021, the Rosary Rallies were inspired by the efforts of Polish Catholics, who took advantage of lockdown to create a worldwide movement of men displaying public acts of devotion to Our Lady. Taking place in public areas of prominent cities, the Rosaries were designed to follow the examples of St. Louis Marie De Montfort and others who espoused the importance of public prayer.

Beginning in Northern Ireland, the events have since moved to the South where they have attended large crowds of men praying in reparation for the sins of men in Ireland.

One event this week took place in Cork City.


Another large group attended at the Rally in Magherafelt.

As the church ponders its next move, in a dispirited culture and wider Irish society that has lost its sense of purpose, these rallies have provided a confident and renewable framework for reasserting Irish Catholic identity.