"Which hill will you die on?"

This chilling commentary about Patient ST by Laurence Fox (GB News) is self explanatory. The inhumane attitudes he speaks of will come to Ireland unless everyone with a conscience acts — now.

If uncertain, just ask yourself a few simple questions:

Have you (or an immediate family member) ever been so sick as to be considered “actively dying”?

How many people in hospital right now could be considered “actively dying” and unworthy of care…even if they wish for it?

Is your doctor’s advice absolute?

Is your doctors prognostication written in stone?

Why would a doctor not jump at the idea of a volunteer who is ready and willing to accept an experimental drug for a rare disease?

What right has the judge to curtail her free speech, never mind her treatment?

What right has the judge to block her seeking treatment elsewhere? (However futile or experimental it may be.)

PLEASE NOTE: what is happening here is NOT ‘Assisted’ Suicide or Voluntary Euthanasia: this callous action is the involuntary withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment in a fully alert, capable adult.

This is the deprivation of a competent 19-year old of her remaining autonomy, time and — more seriously — of her remaining hope.

Dr. Kevin Hay

You can follow Kevin on X (Twitter) @kevinhay77