Patient S.T. died

Patient ST died yesterday, Thursday 14 September.

It was reported as being from a “cardiac arrest.” For non-medical folk a ‘cardiac arrest’ is a mechanism of death — not a cause of death. Literally, everyone has to have a ‘cardiac arrest’ when they die.

What was not reported was whether she was still being cared for by the doctors who wanted her dead. One angry response I got on X (Twitter) suggested that the withdrawal of her life-sustaining treatment was on hold due to legal appeals. I hope so! Even still, the hospital and the doctors involved cannot be identified.

Could her death be from her underlying illness? Absolutely.

Would she have a profound fear of every single caregiver in that facility: absolutely!

Did someone act prematurely on the Judges decision? Who could possibly know that without a thorough and independent investigation / autopsy.

If the termination of her life support was on hold, one wonders why the gag order is still in effect. The family are still required by law not to identify their dead daughter.

The people who did this are ghouls.

I have to believe that ST has suffered her penance on Earth and is now with our eternal Father.

Please pray for her family.


Kevin Hay