Nasty Games with Britain's Assisted Suicide Bill

Many know that Ms. Kim Leadbeater, Member of the British Parliament, tabled her “Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill” last Wednesday, 16 October 2024. The long title is: “A Bill to allow adults who are terminally ill, subject to safeguards and protections, to request and be provided with assistance to end their own life; and for connected purposes.” Leadbeater acknowledges that she intends to change the moral fabric in the UK if this Bill becomes law.

She—and other pro-death zealots—are spouting about its benefits to the media, yet has NOT MADE IT AVAILABLE to the British public.

All Bills are (eventually) published on the House of Commons website but the HOC site only references the Bill, and does not provide a link to the text:

From the HOC website, 18 October 2024.

I emailed the HOC enquiry service and they responded:

Unlike Government bills, when introducing a Private Members’ Bill, MPs only need to give it a short title (a name) and a long title (a description of what it does). Members don’t need any other text to introduce a bill, but they must have a text by second reading. More about this is explained in the Guide to Procedure at: Private Members’ Bills

As it is up to the individual MP as to whether the full bill is published in advance of second reading I would suggest contacting the office of Kim Leadbeater MP to ask when she intends to publish the text. You can email:

Leadbeater’s Chief of Staff Mr. Lance Price, responded quickly to my email saying:

The bill will not be published until some time in November when it will appear on the Parliament website. No date is fixed for publication yet.

This may be acceptable for a minor Private Members Bill but is totally unacceptable for a bill dealing with the life or death of British citizens (& likely resident non-citizens also.)

The Prime Minister, Kier Starmer, has promising a vote in parliament BEFORE CHRISTMAS, so how long does the British public get to consider the wording and specifics of the Bill. One week? Two? …four??

I am gob-smacked at these underhand tactics from the British parliament.

Please consider emailing Kim Leadbeater MP at:

and/or your personal MP. Contact information is available at:

Kevin Hay

You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 / Twitter @ kevinhay77