The message of “No Text: No Vote” is intended for MP’s in the British parliament.

CA readers are aware that Ms. Kim Leadbeater MP introduced the Bill to legalise assisted suicide—& possibly euthanasia—in the British House of Commons on the 16th October 2024. She has still not released the text of the Bill, and is not required to do so till just before the Second Reading.

The Second Reading is slated for Friday, 29th November 2024: potentially a full 4 weeks yet.

This process is fairly normal for Private Bills in parliamentary procedure, but this one is intended to change fundamental tenets of British values, principles and decency. It is egregious for Leadbeater (et al.) to withhold the Bill from review as it deals with the life or death of residents and citizens of the UK.

MP’s, the media and the public, should be able to review the details of this document, NOW. British citizens especially should be able to respond as they see fit. A vote in favour on the 29# will be touted as approval for this radical change, while a vote against will lead to the continued accusation of ‘stifled debate’ and ‘restricted progress.’

This is a call for British readers to contact their MP and insist that the Bill is released, NOW. If not, please tell your MP to vote AGAINST the Bill at the Second Reading as withholding it is not fair play.

How can anyone in conscience vote for something of such import, when it has not even been read?

Kevin Hay