Us Boomers have seen many shock-entertainers before.
Many talented performers — Christine Aguilera, Sam Smith, Madonna, Lady Gaga to name a few — have fallen for this PR trap. They have portrayed some extreme image, rather than simply using their vast talents. This includes showing acres of bare skin (No Sam — NOT a good idea!) faux edginess and pushing the envelope of acceptability, simply to shock.
Dirrty Christine
Pastie Sam!
Very virginal!
Gagging…sorry, Gaga.
And now we have the Irish version! Self-confessed witch, Bambi Thug, has followed the extreme PR playbook. It was funny watching “their” run up to the Eurovision, though it was quite difficult to assess Bambi’s talent through a song like Doomsday Blue. That was more appropriate for the likes of a basement Punk Rock Club, rather than the Eurovision song contest!
What was really telling was Bambi’s response to the results of the competition. If you did not see the response, please listen to the clip from Twi𝕏 below:
James Dreyfus (@DreyfusJames) wrote the scathing post, using terms like “petulant, entitled, narcissistic…” He goes on about Bambi’s performance…and summarises many of the attributes we see in every bad loser!
“They talk of “love, power & support” but only for themselves….this is “rebellion” with almost zero cause. This is simply cos-play…larping…fantasy play…zero substance, bar the stamping of hooves & many crocodile tears…There’s no genuine pride here. No sense of good grace in the face of defeat. No warmth. No credible joy. Just a simmering rage. No ability to accept the fact that simply because you WANT something does NOT mean you’ll get it. It’s sad more than anything, really. Nothing more than Veruca Salt plus antlers….someone get her a squirrel, pronto…”
[LARPing is Live Action Role Play]
Winning is easy!
Coming FIRST takes a lot of effort — dedication, practice & training. Once you come FIRST, the “winning” is easy. Just follow Ricky Gervais’ advice — accept the award; praise your opponents; thank the people who helped; thank your God and BINGO! A “winner” is born!
Losing well takes character
GenZ and Millennials may not see the problem with Bambi’s response because they have been raised to expect a “Participation Medal.” Everyone is a winner. Everyone must be praised. Participants do not need dedication, or practice or training.
Losing in real life is a whole different ball of wax — losing is hard! It tests your mettle and shows your true character! What became clear in Bambi’s post-Eurovision interview is their disappointment; the devastation; the negativity; the criticism of others; the sense of entitlement; the lack of personal responsibility; the self-absorbed victim-hood; the spoilt vanity.
THAT reflected onto Ireland.
It will be interesting to see how Ireland chooses next year’s Eurovision representative!
Kevin Hay
You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 / Twi𝕏 / Twitter @kevinhay77