My first Traditional Latin Mass

…well, in the last ~50 years!

Having just retired to Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) I am now central to 3 churches. As luck would have it, one of the three parishes has a regular Traditional Latin Mass / TLM.

The last Tridentine Mass I attended was pre-Vatican II in the late 1960’s! (A long, long time ago!)

I love many aspects of the Novus Ordo [N.O.] but I had to check-out the TLM for mixed reasons — nostalgia; curiousity; to support unity within the Church; and to understand the grave dangers it must hold!! Last Sunday I started with a “Low” TLM.


The church was QUIET — very quiet!

It was so peaceful & reverent. There was a palpable respect for the presence of God.

Just beautiful!


  • The TLM is a valid Mass with the same general format as the Novus Ordo.

  • Surprise: it is said in LATIN! (Readings & homily are in the vernacular language.)

  • There is a very occasional response from the congregation.

  • The congregation kneel for longer periods than usual in the T.O.

  • Most parishioners wear their ‘Sunday Best.’ (Women generally wear a mantilla/veil though there was an occasional hat. A few came without a head covering…without any reaction or comment.)

  • All servers & deacons are male.

  • The priest celebrates “ad Orientam” (facing East: in the same direction as the congregation so all are praying to God.)

  • The Our Father / Pater Noster is prayed by the priest alone.

  • Most responses are from the server.

  • There is no “Sign of Peace.”

  • Communion is received on the tongue, while kneeling. As the priest says “Amen” to his prayer, the communicant does not!

  • Look for the Latin-English Booklet Missal For Praying The Traditional Mass (here known as the ‘Red Book.’) It may be available in the church you attend either at the back or in the pews. It has both versions / languages on opposite pages and helpful comments on the edges. (Also available on Amazon for about CAN$13.)


In 2021, Pope Francis gave a motu proprio or instruction to the Church — Traditionis Custodes — which restricts the use of the TLM.

Knowing this, I was very puzzled to hear the Eucharistic Prayer being said in LATIN during the Papal Mass in Edmonton, July 2022!

(The Holy Father came to reconcile with our First Nations.)

I found out that most every Papal Mass uses the Latin version of the Novus Ordo Eucharistic Prayer III. (There is an original Latin version of the N.O. Mass from which all vernacular translations are derived.)


Did I have deep political conversations with anyone at the TLM. Nope! (…not yet!)

Do I have any concern for the Church from the parishioners attending this Mass? NOPE!

This Mass was on a Sunday at 7.30 a.m. and the church was ~2/3 to 3/4 full. There was a mixture of families (some with young children, though I saw no babies) young couples and more mature people. All were visibly conservative and all were attentive to the texts and flow of the Mass.

Would the majority lay down their life for their religion? Hell yes!

Were any of them Sedevacantists? Maybe…but I simply cannot witness this reverence and believe there was a load of schismatics in the congregation.


So: will I attend the TLM again? Absolutely!

Will the TLM be the main way I attend Mass? Probably not! (There are beautiful aspects to the Novus Ordo.)

Each of us prays in different ways. As with the Holy Father’s reconciliation with Canadian First Nations, “WALKING TOGETHER” in the Church is very, very good.


Kevin Hay

You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 ( Twitter / Twi𝕏 ) @ kevinhay77