Cardinal Cupich gives invocation at DNC

Chicago Cardinal Blase Joseph Cupich gave the invocation at the start of the DNC. (the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.)

You can watch the video of the invocation below:

Here is the full text of his prayer:

We praise you, O God of all creation. Quicken in us a resolve to protect your handiwork. You are the source of every blessing that graces our lives and our nation.

We pray that you help us to truly understand and answer the sacred call of citizenship. We are a nation composed of every people and culture, united not by ties of blood but by the profound aspirations of life, freedom, justice, and unbound hope. These aspirations are why our forebears saw America as a beacon of hope. And, with your steady guidance, Lord, may we remain so today.

In every generation, we are called to renew these aspirations, to reweave the fabric of America. We do so when we live out the virtues that dwell in our hearts but also when we confront our failures to root out ongoing injustices in our national life, especially those created by moral blindness and fear of the other.

We pray for peace, especially for people suffering the senselessness of war. But as we pray, we must also act, for building up the common good takes work. It takes love.

And so we pray: May our nation become more fully a builder of peace in our wounded world with the courage to imagine and pursue a loving future together. And may we as individual Americans become more fully the instruments of God’s peace.

Guide us, Lord, in taking up our responsibility to forge this new chapter of our nation’s history. Let it be rooted in the recognition that for us, as for every generation, unity triumphing over division is what advances human dignity and liberty.

Let it be propelled by the women and men elected to serve in public life, who know that service is the mark of true leadership.

And let this new chapter of our nation’s history be filled with overwhelming hope, a hope that refuses to narrow our national vision, but rather, as Pope Francis has said, “to dream dreams and see visions” of what by your grace our world can become.

We ask all of this, trusting in your ever-provident care for us. Amen.

Cardinal Cupich was appointed by Pope Francis and is clearly a liberal, as noted in an America article HERE.

His invocation/prayer has been heavily criticized:

  • Cupich did not make the Sign of the Cross at the start of the Invocation. Some at the conference are nominal Catholics—like Biden & Pelosi—but it is an interdenominational gathering.

  • He did not mention the name of Jesus Christ. He did mention “God of all creation” and called on delegates to “…become more fully the instruments of God’s peace.” He called on the “Lord” twice. That’s not bad when speaking to an audience which has many different religions and likely includes some Satan worshipers.

  • He hid his pectoral cross. (…maybe to stop some from bursting into flames?!)

  • He did not decry the Democratic position on abortion, even though they were being performed nearby. This is a missed opportunity, though he may have been barred from doing so by the Party. He mentioned ongoing injustices, especially “those created by moral blindness.”

  • His presence alone has be taken as agreement with immoral Democratic policies. Nothing Cupich said in the invocation confirms that.

He finished the prayer with an Amen and many in the audience responded…they joined the prayer!

No-one should fault Cupich for bringing any Word of God into that evil house.

Kevin Hay.

You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 ( Twitter / Twi𝕏 ) @ kevinhay77

(apparently Cupich is pronounced as “soup-itch”!