Dancing with the Devil

US Election — a last WALZ with the Devil?

The news about Democratic VP nominee Tim Walz just gets better and better.

CA reported how Walz is rabidly Pro-Abort; that he allows the killing of newborns by neglect and that he supports the mutilation of children with gender dysphoria. He let Minneapolis burn for 2 days before ordering in the National Guard.

Military Service

Now, we find out that he misrepresents his military service. Apparently, he did not serve in any active war-zone — unlike his clear statement in the video posted to X below (the video on the right.) US military vets accuse him of “stolen valour.”

(Click on image to link to X and see the videos. Walz is speaking on the right.)

Left Wing outlets have reported that he served in Iraq and Afghanistan (that cannot necessarily be blamed on him) but you hear it from the horse’s mouth in the video above.

Also he “claims to be the highest-ranking enlisted service member ever to serve in Congress, critics point out that he was only conditionally promoted and subsequently reduced in rank due to his departure from the academy.” Walz left the army as a Master Sergeant. He had been conditionally a Command Sergeant Major but he resigned just before the battalion was deployed to Iraq. (He is accused of resigning to avoid deployment, but a short time later he ran for Congress so this was likely being planned at the time.) He did not complete the conditions to maintain the promotion.

Take Pride Act

On May 19, 2023 he signed an omnibus Bill which included the Take Pride Act which allows paedophilia as a protected class. The old law specified “ ‘Sexual orientation’ does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult.” That wording has been removed.

As reported by the DailyWire:

Minnesota law now simply defines “sexual orientation” as “to whom someone is, or is perceived of as being, emotionally, physically, or sexually attracted to based on sex or gender identity. A person may be attracted to men, women, both, neither, or to people who are genderqueer, androgynous, or have other gender identities.”

Link to the full text of the Act is available, HERE.

The seizure of children

One law Walz signed allows Minnesota to seize custody of a child whose parents refuse to provide “gender affirming care.” The Bill states: “A court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction if the child is present in this state and … the child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care”.

(The putting tampons into school-boys bathrooms is a minor issue in comparison to this.)

Free Speech

He has stated that "there is no guarantee of free speech on misinformation."

Just like the misinformation we were fed by governments around the world about COVID, right Timmy??

Columbus Statue

On a minor note he allowed rioters to tear down the statue of Columbus outside of the Minnesota Capitol. This is simply not the rule of Law expected of a Governor.

When I see all the political puppets around the world — the Irish Harris; Canada’s Trudeau; Biden POTUS; Macron en France & Brit Starmer to name a few — I despair as to where all the good politicians have gone. Then I remember:

It is our responsibility to ‘choose wisely.’

Kevin Hay.

You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 ( Twitter / Twi𝕏 ) @ kevinhay77