Biden Excommunicated?

(Title image is probably ‘photoshopped.’)

On his LAST day in office as president of the United States, ‘catholic’ Joe Biden became a FREEMASON.

As one wit (@RorateCaeli) posted: “Oh, Joe Biden will surely make good use of his last years on earth to become an actual devout Catholic, repent, and get ready for heaven.”

Instead, he does this…

Before Vatican II, Canon Law was absolute — automatic Excommunication which could only be lifted by the Pope. The wording changed with Vatican II:

CCC 1374 of the 1983 Canon Law:

A person who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty;[k] one who promotes or takes office in such an association is to be punished with an interdict.

Pope Benedict XVI clarified this point while Cardinal Ratzinger, as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He did so with the personal approval of Pope John Paul II:

There is something additionally offensive with Biden doing this on his last full day in office as president. This scurrilous behaviour fits with the blanket pardons given to his crime family.

The only mitigating factor which might be at play here is whether Joe is truly demented or not — God knows.

Kevin Hay