Social Media Outrage at Video of Dublin Mosque

With Irish politicians and mad scientists floating the potential for anywhere between 3 and 6 more months of full lockdown ahead, Irish people expressed complete dismay today at shocking footage from a Dublin Mosque.

The footage is ten minutes long and shows streams of men emerging from Blackpitts Mosque in Dublin.

In an upload on Facebook, the uploader wrote

So 10 Allowed at a funeral

Schools are closed

No social gatherings

1000s out of work

People havent seein there family in months

AND THIS IS HAPPENING IN BLACKPITTS MOSQUE @1PM Friday 19th feb.... Garda where called 12 times, No Show! Its an absolute kick in the face for people... How are they allowed do this? To gather and to pray? When we cant even attend out loved ones funerals.... we counted over 100 people who came in and out of this Mosque in the space of half an hour!!!

You can see the full video here.

One Facebook user wrote in reply:

That is an absolute disgrace. If they can get away with doing this well then we should be allowed to live a normal life again. Enough is enough now it’s gone on to long.

Another wrote

Im disgusted. Ive had to go to every pregnancy appointment alone my husband was not allowed into the labour ward until i was in active labour. No one has seen my son yet. My older two kids are off school over covid and these people think its ok to go and pray. I cant even attend a church, i cant go outside the door. Watch now the racist card will be played. Im so angry

The Irish media are, as of now, refusing to cover the story, despite recently covering a Latin Mass funeral in Dublin and claiming that 5 extra people at the funeral (combined with communion on the tongue) had contributed to the widespread outbreak that gave Ireland the worst Covid numbers in the world at the time. Definitely wasn’t the open borders and lack of quarantine for travellers then.

This incident comes at a difficult time for the media, the politicians and the mad scientists who are starting to lose the public trust over repeated mixed signals, incompetence and pessimism.

Most people in the comments on Facebook did not express the wish to see those present at the Mosque arrested, they just expressed disgust that the establishment have been so selectively cruel to Irish people and to Catholics.

With St. Patrick’s Day and Easter coming up, this is not the footage that the Irish State wanted getting out.