Pope Francis tells Italians to Have More Babies

Pope Francis has frequently been critical of the refusal of Europeans to give birth to more babies, with many choosing instead to ‘hire an assassin’ to abort the baby, as the pope himself has put it.

Today he warned Italy of a ‘demographic winter’ if it continued to abort its babies and to instead import cheap labour from migrants to fill the shortfall.

He also told Italians to ‘make sure that this demographic winter ends and a new spring of baby boys and girls blossoms’.

It was reported this week that Italian birthrates had fallen 22% in the space of a year.

It is not the first time that he has done so, in 2017, Francis warned that Europe had taken the ‘path of sterility’.

He referred to Europe as ‘countries empty of children’.

In another comment, he referred to low birth rates as ‘an awful disease’.

As far back as 2014, he was referring to Europe as an ‘elderly and haggard grandmother’.

Some people question the pope’s evident warmth towards Globalist policies such as mass migration, yet the pope in his early years repeatedly went to the migrant island of Lampedusa to bring attention to what was happening there. Europe is aborting its babies and importing people who will fill jobs instead, why should people expect the pope to mistreat those who arrive when, from his perspective, Europeans can’t be bothered to even reproduce?

The only way forward for Europe is to ban abortion and to increase fertility, as Hungary and Poland are trying to do. If Nationalists in Europe want the church on their side, they better start having children and if prolifers want Nationalist politicians to be partial to representing them, they need to realise that the governments of Europe do not see people, only economic units. So long as the millions of aborted babies continue to have economic units that can take their place, they will be in no rush to stop abortion.

The same realisation must be applied to the Vatican, appearing to endorse Joe Biden while he signs policies that will increase abortion imperialism through overseas funding of baby killing only undermines such statements as these.