Pope Francis Denies Retirement Rumours

Italian journalist Antonio Socci published a piece last week which claimed that many in Rome were expecting Pope Francis to resign within the coming months, due to health problems.

In an article published on his website, Socci wrote that there was ‘talk of a new conclave’.

Now, in an interview with Spanish network COPE, Pope Francis has taken the uncharacteristic step of addressing such a rumour.

When asked about this article from Socci, Francis said:

‘‘I am still alive! Always when the pope is ill there is a breeze or a hurricane about a conclave’’.

The full interview will be released in the coming days as Francis prepares to travel to Hungary for the Eucharistic Congress, where he will meet Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The spectacular event in Budapest will come only weeks after the Eastern European country celebrated St. Stephen’s feast by suspending a massive cross composed of drones over the capital city.