'Fratello Sole' Pope Orders Solar Panels in Vatican

Pope Francis has released the following Motu Proprio regarding solar panels in the Vatican.

With the Encyclical Letter "Laudato Sì" on the care of the common home of May 24, 2015, I invited all humanity to become aware of the need to make changes in their lifestyles, production and consumption, in order to counter global warming, which sees, among its main causes, the pervasive use of fossil fuels.

On July 6, 2022, the Permanent Observer to the UN deposited with the UN Secretary General the instrument by which the Holy See, on behalf of the Vatican City State, accedes to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. With this instrument I intended to contribute to the efforts of all states to offer, in accordance with their respective responsibilities and capacities, an adequate response to the challenges posed to humanity and our common home by climate change.

There is a need to make a transition to a sustainable development model that reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, setting the goal of climate neutrality. Mankind has the technological means to deal with this environmental transformation and its pernicious ethical, social, economic and political consequences, and among these, solar energy plays a key role.

Therefore I entrust to you, dear Confreres, in your respective capacities as President of the Governorate of the State of Vatican City and President of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See, the task of constructing an agri-voltaic plant located within the extraterritorial area of Santa Maria di Galeria that will ensure, not only the power supply of the radio station existing there, but also the complete energy sustenance of the State of Vatican City.

In order to carry out this task, in derogation of the regulations in force and without requiring any authorization, I appoint you as Extraordinary Commissioners with full capacity to carry out the necessary acts of ordinary and extraordinary administration.

For the purposes of maintaining the privileges of extraterritoriality guaranteed pursuant to articles 15 and 16 of the Lateran Treaty - from which the area in question benefits by virtue of the Agreement between the Holy See and Italy for the Vatican Radio Installations at Santa Maria di Galeria and Castel Romano of October 8, 1951 - I establish that the Extraordinary Commissioners may communicate to the Italian Authority - pursuant to art. 15, first paragraph, of the Lateran Treaty - the placement in said area of structures and offices of entities belonging to the Holy See and the Governorate of Vatican City.

Lastly, I direct the Secretariat of State to facilitate every request of the Extraordinary Commissioners and to work to ensure that nothing is lost in that territory of what has hitherto been available to the Apostolic See.

From the Vatican, June 21, 2024, 12th of Pontificate.