Islamic Terrorists Bomb Indonesian Catholics

Lest we forget, no religion faces persecution like Christianity.

The media might convince you otherwise, but almost all religious persecution in the world is against Christians.

At Palm Sunday Mass today in Indonesia, 13 people have been severely injured in a suicide bomb attack by Islamic Terrorists. The Cathedral in the city of Makassar was the site of this disgusting act of stupidity and violence.

The shocking attack is a haunting reminder of the bombings that occurred in Sri Lanka during Easter Sunday in 2019.

Indonesian president Joko Widodo has called it an ‘act of terrorism’.

It comes amidst an increasing expansion of Islamic terror against Christians. In France, the schoolgirl who claimed that she was asked to leave the class while photos of Mohammad were shown by now murdered teacher has admitted to fabricating the story. In Nigeria, Boko Haram recently carried out large attacks killing dozens of soldiers. In England, Muslims are flexing their muscles on the shell shocked English people by staging militant rallies outside a school that allegedly showed a picture of Mohammad, who they believe to be a prophet. Only a number of months ago, an illegal migrant beheaded two people at Mass and killed another in Nice, with the media quickly sweeping it under the carpet.

What has happened today will not be the last attack, it could be any one of us next time.

Hillaire Belloc wrote in 1937

The story must not be neglected by any modern, who may think in error that the East has finally fallen before the West, that Islam is now enslaved — to our political and economic power at any rate if not to our philosophy. It is not so. Islam essentially survives, and Islam would not have survived had the Crusade made good its hold upon the essential point of Damascus. Islam survives. Its religion is intact; therefore its material strength may return. Our religion is in peril, and who can be confident in the continued skill, let alone the continued obedience, of those who make and work our machines? ... There is with us a complete chaos in religious doctrine.... We worship ourselves, we worship the nation; or we worship (some few of us) a particular economic arrangement believed to be the satisfaction of social justice.... Islam has not suffered this spiritual decline; and in the contrast between [our religious chaos and Islam's] religious certitudes still strong throughout the Mohammedan world lies our peril

There are now more Muslims in the world than there are Catholics. Something that Belloc predicted.

It has always seemed to me possible, and even probable, that there would be a resurrection of Islam and that our sons or our grandsons would see the renewal of that tremendous struggle between the Christian culture and what has been for more than a thousand years its greatest opponent

There are around 1.8 million Muslims in the world and around 1.4 million Catholics in the world. We had better start acting like it and praying that God grants us the sense of self worth to reclaim our right to practice our religion freely and to preach it as if it were the one true faith.