'You've made this nation pagan!' Mother Angelica's Epic Speech

At World Youth Day in Denver in 1993, EWTN founder Mother Angelica spoke passionately against a play that depicted Jesus Christ as a woman.

In an epic 30 minute talk, she discussed the many terrible afflictions of Modernism that had infected the church.

‘I’m sick of you pushing anti God anti Catholic and pagan ways that have come into the church!’

She seemed particularly irritated at lack of reverence towards the Blessed Sacrament.

She finished by saying ‘Live your life, leave us alone. Don’t push your poison on all the church. Despite what I’ve said I love you, and I feel sorry for you’.

Today marks the 5th anniversary of her death. Pray for her soul.

You can watch the video here:

Mother Angelica reacts, standing up for the Catholic Faith after a woman portrayed Jesus in the Stations of the Cross at the 1993 Denver World Youth Day. Mot...