The international media and abortion lobby have all but given up on trying to undermine Poland’s commitment to life and to family.
Unlike in late 2020, the journalists and NGOs hoping to destroy Poland now know that the law banning abortions on disabled children has been enacted and they will have to bide their time before they can reverse it.
Polish pro aborts are not too happy however. Many of them openly despise people Down Syndrome and they are disgusted that this new law means that they will have a right to be born in their country.
Since the ruling was announced the other night, many took to the streets and this time they have not been able to attack churches, but instead they’ve been smashing up images of unborn babies.
It was not an isolated incident, the anti baby activists (perhaps frustrated that their backer Ursula Von Der Leyen has been too distracted to cheer them on this time) are targeting these images of unborn children all across the country.
Stay classy pro aborts!
Some prolifers took to the streets the morning after to clean up the aftermath of the violence.
It is interesting to note that many of them carried European Union and Rainbow flags, the Union and the Rainbow (now interchangeable) are now associated with those who want Europe to abort its babies and to face a demographic winter.
The EU and Soros have pumped far too much money into the anti Down Syndrome cause in Poland to give up now, but for the time at least, they will have to bide their time.
it follows shocking footage of their colleagues in Argentina kicking around a baby doll then tearing it apart violently this past week.