Will the Government Fly the Prolife Flag?

The following letter was written by prolife group Deise for Life and published in the Sunday Independent on 27/06/21. It is republished here with permission from Deise for Life.

Sir — It will not be known to most of your readers, as it is not the sort of thingthat our national media are likely to report, but the international pro-life movement is currently in the process of designing its own flag.

Now here’s the thing.That particular flag will likely never be displayed on a public building in Ireland. No matter that 720,000 citizens voted in 2018 to retain the Eighth Amendment, most of them still alive and most of them taxpayers.

The media would not like it, you see, and in consequence neither would the politicians. Unborn babies do not matter in these quarters, and neither do the adults who cherish them. That pro-life flag will not fly for a day on public buildings, never mind a whole month.

Deise for Life