Nationwide Spanish Rosary to Take Place December 8th

For the past number of weeks, Spain has been gripped by protests against the Socialist government.

A shady deal with separatists has been widely viewed as a particularly blatant example of the leftists wanting to hold onto power by any and all means necessary.

With millions taking to the streets to express their dismay at these events, a number of Catholics in Madrid organised a Rosary outside The Nativity of Our Lady Church in the city.

What quickly followed were large crowds of people joining together not just to pray the Rosary, but to sing Salve Regina at the end, in images broadcast around the world.

Since then, organisers have been subject to harassment and threats of arrest by Spanish police.

Organisers have now said that a nationwide event will take place on December 8th across Spain at 7.30pm.

You can sign up and find out further details HERE.