In December 2018, Irish TDs took part in several votes regarding amendments to the impending abortion legislation.
As the amendments proposed to the legislation became more specific, the vindictiveness of the pro abortion politicians became more apparent.
They voted AGAINST pain relief for children who would be aborted.
They voted AGAINST reviving babies born alive during botched abortions.
They voted FOR abortion on grounds of gender, race or disability.
Increasingly irritated with the number of amendments, the pro abortion TDs were nonetheless still confident in the knowledge that they would still be able to hand abortionists a blank cheque to carry out any kind of abortion that they wished to.
With emotions running high, Kate O’Connell taunted the prolife TDs in the Dail.
‘Ye lost and it must be hurting’.
The TDs didn’t lose. The whole country lost. About 1,000 babies a month to be exact. And we can be sure most of them were indeed hurt.
The taunting was a very revealing moment. In the later stages of the referendum, the calls for a Yes vote had become ubiquitous, or at least it had seemed that way. With worries that there was an untapped soft ‘No’ vote lurking unchecked, Leo Varadkar took no risks and in early May, Google unexpectedly banned online ads related to abortion. With virtually every journalist in the country doubling as a de facto political activist in favour of promoting abortion, it meant that by the time the Irish people went to the polls, prolifers had been nearly entirely blacked out from public debate.
The ubiquity of calls for Yes votes in 2018 has been met in equal measure by the complete absence of discussion on the topic in 2019.
The only people who are still keeping the discussion active in any meaningful way are the well intentioned and respectful prolife protestors who keep alive the slain unborn in their prayers and in their peaceful protests at closed GP offices.
Because of their refusal to disappear from the limelight and their stubborn belief in a spiritual rather than societal or political motivation for opposing abortion, Ireland’s prolife supporters have once again drawn the ire of one George Soros. The very same George Soros who made a mockery of Ireland’s democracy with his role in both the same sex marriage referendum in 2015 and the removal of the right to life referendum 2018, has now stooped to funding groups who try miserably to paint peaceful events as being part of a vast Europe wide conspiracy to overthrow the Capitalist-Liberal order.
In a series of comically shameless articles, the Irish Examiner’s Joyce Fegan has written about ‘dark money’ and of how ‘America’s religious right has poured at least $50m into Europe over the last 10 years, for the sake of political influence — and some of this money has reached Ireland’. In the same series, Mary Fitzgerald of the ironically named Open Democracy just about keeps a straight face as she states that attention needs to be paid, ‘to all the global networks pushing for this behind the scenes’. The Irish Examiner has steadily declined in readership and quality of content in recent years and is now owned by the left wing foghorns The Irish Times. These laughable articles reflect their desperation.
Open Democracy is funded by George Soros through his Open Society foundation. Many of the groups which played a role in the referendum to remove the right to life of unborn children have been funded by Soros at various times also. Amnesty International and the Irish Council for Civil Liberties have both received funding from the Hungarian billionaire. Many Irish politicians and activists showed up in the ‘DC Leaks’ Soros files, which identified those in Europe who could be counted upon to vote as Soros wished them to. For someone who works for Open Democracy to accuse others of subverting democracy is either complete blindness or brazen suggestion that it is permissible for one person to interfere in a nation but not for others. For her part, Fegan even states in her article, ‘The overarching goal of the recent push is to get more seats in the European Parliament, so as to exert far-right ideological and policy control’. Were these so called far right groups keeping dossiers of who their allies in the European Parliament could potentially be and if so, who did they learn that tactic from?
At no point in her article does Fegan indicate exactly how much of this supposed €50 million has actually ended up in Ireland. For all we know it was enough change to purchase a Freddo. It certainly wasn’t enough to win a referendum. Since the writers neglected to tell us any actual related facts, it is best to ask which organisations they attacked and to ask about the style with which they tend to kick downwards against groups who are not conducive to the aims of George Soros.
Anti Catholicism is an important feature of any pro abortionist’s playbook. As GK Chesterton said, ‘Men who begin by fighting the Church for the sake of freedom and humanity, will throw away both if only they may fight the Church’. This ‘study’ seems to be no different. Two striking criticisms contained within it are directed towards Tradition, Family, Property under the name Irish Society for Christian Civilisation. What is noted as being subversive about their actions is particularly absurd. Telling kids about Catholic saints, organising summer camps and saying the Rosary are all events which are portrayed as ‘ultra Conservative Catholic’. Perhaps George Soros’s multi millionaire funding of anti abortion Islamic hardliners CAIR in the United States is just as problematic for Irish journalists, but perhaps we’ll never know. The other supposedly subversive activity uncovered by Open Democracy is the organising of prayers being said at six whole churches around Ireland for reparation of the abortion referendum. Why is it outlandish to think that Catholics would organise prayer in a Church of all places? What is it that they think Catholics actually do? In modern Ireland, we have a set of journalists who seem to think that religion is wise and exotic when practised by people like CAIR but an embarrassing anachronism when genuinely believed by Irish Catholics.
The language used here is particularly incredulous. There are no ‘practising Catholics’, there are ‘ultra conservative Catholics’. Again, there are no ‘practising Catholics’, there are people who are ‘far right’. In their understanding of what both call ‘far right’ is the implication that there is something unholy and sinister in those who ‘call for greater national sovereignty’. This is how Open Democracy operate. In 2018, their website had articles claiming that the 2018 referendum could be ‘hacked’ and interestingly enough, they wrote an article only one week before Google’s unprecedented decision to ban online ads for the referendum which claimed that Save the 8th were using, ‘some of the same technologies, companies, and individuals involved in controversial Trump and Brexit campaigns’. The only thing that was controversial about Trump and Brexit was that they won and Soros’s minions did not.
It is callous to actively cast Catholics as being ‘far right’ for merely saying the Rosary, telling kids about the lives of the Saints and organising prayer vigils. It might be the nature of Soros’s various agents of interference to only speak about topics to which they hope to have a subversive influence, but for Catholics, we should not allow ourselves to abandon millenniums old traditions just because others try to attach sinister motives behind them. The best of Western society has emerged from the lives of Saints, from the recitation of the Rosary and from those who see the value in prayer. It has not occurred because of Soros’s many many billions of euro spent on telling Westerners not to be ‘opposed to migration and call for greater national sovereignty’. It has also not occurred because of journalists at Ireland’s least read daily national newspaper.
In a recent article that claimed to ‘dissect’ Donald Trump, Joyce Fegan spoke of how ‘he knows how sensitive humans are to fear’. The article that linked mild mannered Catholics in Ireland to €50 million floating around Europe from the United States certainly seems to be equally aware of that sensitivity to fear.
It would do us well to remember however that what humans actually respond best to is not fear but Faith, Hope and Charity. There is no trust that we have purpose beyond this life contained in Soros life as existential busybody. There is no hope that we can ever transcend our lives as miserable tools in a Capitalist Liberal machine. And there is certainly no room for the types of selfless charity we see in the Capuchin Day Centre, Gianna Care and others in Soros’s nation meddling disguised as humanitarianism.
Catholics should keep praying the Rosary. Keep reading the lives of the Saints. And importantly too, wake up to the realities of how broad the dark vision of these people is. If you are Catholic, prolife or for any type of national sovereignty, Soros and the left wing media want to characterise you as ‘far right’. It doesn’t matter if you are an old lady lighting a candle for unborn children at the back of the Church or a young man praying the Rosary outside a closed GP’s office, you are an obstacle to their goals and they will distance you as they require. This is why Aontu came in for such strong criticism from some recently after signing a protocol put forth by Soros’s ENAR organisation, it is self defeating for any prolife group to engage with any sort of Soros group on any issue, regardless of how noble it may seem. Until Catholics and other prolifers learn about the menace of Intersectionality, the belief that various groups with an axe to grind against Western culture should unite to work against it, then they will continue to fall for political parties and media outlets intent on duping and dividing them. And they will continue to see their country sink further into problems created by Soros driven identity politics.
Far Right Balloon
Open Democracy and the Irish Examiner have no say in how we Catholics practise our faith. They have no say in how we run our country here in Ireland. And they have no right to label you as ‘far right’ as they spread Soros’s nihilistic message.
As St. Paul says, it is love and goodness which overcomes evil, not spite and wickedness.
The Rosary stays, the Mass stays, our prayers for the unborn and for expectant mothers stay.
Let love be without dissimulation.
Hating that which is evil, cleaving to that which is good, Loving one another with the charity of brotherhood: with honour preventing one another. In carefulness not slothful. In spirit fervent. Serving the Lord.
Rejoicing in hope. Patient in tribulation. Instant in prayer. Communicating to the necessities of the saints. Pursuing hospitality.
Bless them that persecute you: bless, and curse not.
Rejoice with them that rejoice: weep with them that weep.
Being of one mind one towards another. Not minding high things, but consenting to the humble. Be not wise in your own conceits.
To no man rendering evil for evil. Providing good things, not only in the sight of God but also in the sight of all men.
If it be possible, as much as is in you, have peace with all men.
Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.
But if the enemy be hungry, give him to eat; if he thirst, give him to drink.
For, doing this, thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head. Be not overcome by evil: but overcome evil by good.
Romans 12:9-21