BREAKING German Synod Fires Back at Vatican

In response to the Holy See’s condemnation of the German Synodal Way earlier today, the universally criticised committee has responded ferociously.

They have rejected the Holy See’s criticisms and insisted that the Holy See should have communicated with them differently.

Read their full statement in English below:

"We welcome that the Holy See once again emphasises what we have already committed ourselves to in the Statutes and Rules of Procedure before the start of the Synodal Way 2019:

'Decisions of the Synodal Assembly do not of themselves have legal effect. The authority of the Bishops' Conference and the individual diocesan bishops to enact legal norms and exercise their teaching office within the scope of their respective competence remains unaffected by the resolutions'.

'Decisions whose subjects are reserved for a universal Church regulation shall be transmitted to the Apostolic See as a vote of the Synodal Way.' (Articles 11 and 12)

We will not tire of emphasising that the Church in Germany will not follow a 'German Sonderweg'. Nevertheless, we see it as our duty to clearly state where, in our view, changes are necessary. In doing so, we already sense that the problems and questions we have named are similar worldwide.

We would also like to recall that the Synodal Way is the consequence of the study 'Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests, Deacons and Male Religious in the Area of the German Bishops' Conference' (MHG Study) and we are grateful that the bishops and the ZdK are walking this path together and can be sure of the support and active cooperation of the pilgrim people of God.

In 2021, Pope Francis has opened a worldwide synodal process. As planned, we will of course - and today's declaration also encourages us to do so - contribute to the synodal process of the universal Church with the experiences and results of the Synodal Way. We have always emphasised that we want to actively shape this process through our work. For we are convinced that this leads to a 'mutual enrichment' (Declaration of the Holy See).

In the Rules of Procedure and Statutes of the Synodal Way, we formulate the communication with the Apostolic See which we consider necessary and which we want. The Apostolic Nuncio in Germany is invited to participate in the Synodal Way as a permanent observer. Since the beginning of the Synodal Way, the Presidium has endeavoured to find direct ways of communicating with the Roman authorities. In our opinion, this would be the place for such clarifications. Unfortunately, the Synodal Presidium has not yet been invited to a discussion. We regret with irritation that this direct communication has not taken place so far. In our understanding, a synodal church is different! This also applies to the way of communication today, which astonishes us. It does not testify to a good style of communication within the church if statements are not published by name.

The next Synodal Assembly will be the place to take up the Holy See's concern as well as to discuss it. Again, as Presidents of the Synodal Way, we emphasise that we are keen to have early discussions with as many bodies within the Roman Curia as possible."