Irish Theologian Discusses the Synod (VIDEO)

The Universal Synod is continuing to cause controversy and confusion, with its most vocal champions only serving to further damage its reputation.

In Ireland, a national Synod will follow the conclusion of the Universal one.

Much of the initial enthusiasm and openness has been squandered following the publication of the shocking Synod Synthesis Report, which launched a scathing attack on young priests, right in the midst of a vocations crisis. This was coupled with the fact that many advocacy groups closely aligned to anti clerical political parties were present at the Synod gathering in Clonmacnoise.

The most frustrating thing about the Synod is the fact that it is claiming to be the voice of the People of God, yet it is so reticent to listen to those who make legitimate criticisms and suggestions.

In December, lay theologian Dr. John Murray made many fine points about the Synod in a talk hosted by pro family group Family Solidarity.

You can watch the full video below: