System of a Down Singer Pleads for Armenians Facing Genocide

In Ireland’s proposed hate speech laws, it will be illegal to deny genocides, particularly the Holocaust.

It will, however, be legal to mock and even deny the Great Famine in the country and it will also be perfectly legal to deny and even mock the Armenian Genocide. The former is easily explained by self loathing while the latter? It is simple, the Irish State’s official position is that the Armenian Genocide never happened. Even when the state regularly follows in the footsteps of the United States of America (particularly the Democrats) they have resisted to follow President Biden’s suit in recognising the genocide of Armenian Christians in 1915.

Luis Moreno Ocampo, former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, has said that the situation is ‘an ongoing genocide against 120,000 Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh’.

He told The New York Times:

Starvation is the invisible genocide weapon. Without immediate dramatic change, this group of Armenians will be destroyed in a few weeks.

It is critically important to label this as genocide.

Azerbaijan is currently blocking the road into Nagarno-Karabakh, there are long bread queues as a result and malnutrition is leading to many deaths within the area.

Medicines, hygiene products and fuel are also running short.

Catholic Arena raised the alarm about the situation there in 2020, writing:

In 2020, the situation is significantly volatile once again between Turks and Armenians, though with a century of developments in tensions to add to it. In 1921, Stalin handed the predominantly Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh region over to Azerbaijan. Over time, the area was slowly ethnically altered as Azerbaijanis influxed into it. This continued until the late 1980s, when efforts by Armenians within it to attain some measure of independence were met with violence. Azerbaijanis responded by expelling many Armenians within their lands. After full scale war broke out in 1994, the Azerbaijanis lost and Karabakh Armenians moved into regions where they had not had control over before.

For several reasons, the eventual cessation of the 1994 conflict has been broken as of late. Azerbaijan have spent years expanding their armed capabilities, talks over resolving disputes within the region have reached deadlock and most crucially, Turkish President Erdogan has been keen to provoke and support the violence for strategic reasons. As they are doing in Syria, Iraq and Libya, the Turks are hoping to expand their influence by undermining the established regional authorities through proxies and military support. In comparison to other current conflicts, this Armenia situation has other things in common also, with the involvement of not just Turkey but Russia also (as peacekeepers), as well as the use of Islamist mercenaries to bulk up the local forces. Although others might try to play this down as purely territorial or ethnically motivated, the fact that Azerbaijan is 97% Muslim while Armenia is 96% Christian cannot be dismissed. Since the early 90s too, Armenia’s population has fallen by 700,000 to just under 3 million, in part thanks to mass emigration and low birth rates. Contrary to this, the Azerbaijan population has risen by almost 2 million, to just under 10 million. If Azerbaijan ever wants to do this, the time is now.

Again in 2022, we wrote:

The violence against Armenian Christians has escalated once again, with the Islamic nation of Azerbaijan now brazenly committing brutal war crimes against them.

Buoyed by tacit support from NATO, the EU and the USA, the Azerbaijanis are now boldly taking advantage of the war in Ukraine to violently assault Armenia.

According to Breaking Defense, a large number of imports of weapons to Azerbaijan originate from Israel.

“From 2016–2020, Israel accounted for 69 percent of Azerbaijan’s major arms imports — a number that represents 17 percent of Israel’s arms exports for that same period”.

The EU is set to increase imports of gas from Azerbaijan significantly over the next five years, with Ursula Von Der Leyen stating that Azerbaijan was a ‘key partner in our efforts to move away from Russian fossil fuels’.

Only last month we wrote:

At the same time that the Ukraine War has been taking place, the West has been assisting the objectively bad guys in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Not only that, but in this instance the good guys are overwhelmingly Armenian Christians while the bad guys are overwhelmingly Azerbaijani and Turkish Muslims.

The alarm has been raised by far louder voices by us, including now by System of a Down singer Serj Tankian.

In a BBC interview, Tankian pointed the finger at the West (including Britain) or offering moral and financial support to Azerbaijan due to geopolitics.

Azerbaijan’s press council has reacted to the interview with fury, calling for the BBC to apologise or face being kicked out of the country.

In subsequent social media posts, Tankian pointed out that Israel was assisting Azerbaijan in stockpiling weapons to be used against the Armenian Christians.

The situation is growing increasingly bleak, especially with winter now closing in.

Armenia’s Prime Minister today said that it was a mistake to rely so heavily on Russian support, with Russia now indifferent to their cause because it did not feel that Armenia supported them sufficiently in the war in Ukraine.

The post Christian world order is unfolding before our eyes and it is going to be far crueller than anything that history has shown. This is why the West needs strong leaders, who will stand up for truth in the face of those who will bully and kill.

There are those, such as rock band Imagine Dragons (who played in Baku this past week) who are happy to turn a blind eye to suffering in exchange for oil money, but the West must return to its roots and protect one another rather than be bought by such cheap offerings as oil and slightly useful geopolitical alliances.