USA Taunts Catholics with Embassy Flag

The United States Embassy to the Holy See has decided to mock the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart by flying the favourite flag of large multinational corporations, the so called ‘Pride’ flag.

The flag has been imposed on the world in the wake of the 2008 banking crash, wherein large corporations sought to curry favour with the public, specifically the left, and did so with incredible success, staving off virtually all criticism from the modern left by marching in Pride parades and donating large money to them.

In that spirit, the United States Embassy to the Holy See has deliberately put a Pride flag up in order to antagonise Catholics, perhaps because of their traditional opposition to usury, who knows.

The US Embassy account for Riyadh in Saudi Arabia was noticeably free of such a flag, strangely enough.

Instead, they celebrated the long military ties between the two nations.

It would be untrue to say that this a purely Biden phenomenon, rainbow Imperialism continued apace under President Trump also.

But there is no doubt that is a new escalation, designed to mock Catholics.

Still, JP Morgan will be happy that their month is being recognised amongst those who hate usury.