For many outside of Ireland, a common question regarding the seemingly rapid descent into decadence and liberalism is ‘What happened to Ireland'?’.
The same question is invariably being asked this week, except now it is, ‘What happened to Poland?’
A quick summary would be that decades of malignant Western Capitalist influence have been coupled with an external anger. That anger has come from the European Union, seemingly incensed that someone within their ranks is reminding Europeans of what their nations were like before the proliferation of secularism and mass immigration from non European nations. Like Ireland, the crucial driving factor in giving an operative outlet to this anger has been one man, George Soros. Although the left like to play down Soros criticism as Anti Semitic conspiracy theories, evidence is irrefutable in the cases of both Ireland and Poland.
The trouble that we are now observing in Poland began three months ago, in the wake of the election of President Andrej Duda. The Catholic President’s narrow victory enraged leftists all over the world, with images of him visiting Catholic shrines and receiving Communion kneeling and on the tongue only increasing slurs hurled his way. International journalists did their best to undermine the win. The Guardian lamented that his election ‘handed populists free reign’. Reuters reported that ‘Polish conservative Duda re-elected, deeper EU rifts likely’. A stage was set, Poland had an extremist in charge and the international community were obliged to speak out.
President Duda
Many would point to the July protests against so called ‘LGBT Free Zones’ as the significant milestone in this threat to Poland’s social fabric. But the man behind the curtain of that particular milestone made a more significant one in August. George Soros, in a nasty and aggressive interview with Hungarian opposition daily Nepsava, stated that Poland and Hungary were ‘internal enemies’ within the European Union. Soros actually named both Viktor Orban and Jaroslaw Kaczynski as these enemies and ominously stated that the democratically elected politicians had ‘occupied their states’. The Hungarian billionaire subversive identified that both Poland and Hungary would have to be confronted as their focus on religion, family and tradition were making secular economic abyss of Western Europe start to miss what is has now squandered. Soros interestingly also notes that Italy is quickly becoming disillusioned with the high youth unemployment and anti natalism of of Modern Europe. His solution to that is classic Soros, just throw a bit of money at them to keep them quiet.
Mere days before the publication of that interview, Soros’s plan had already been set in motion. On July 29th, a number of ‘transgender’ people climbed a statue of Jesus Christ in Warsaw and placed a Rainbow Flag on a statue of Christ and desecrated several Catholic places of worship, including statues of Pope John Paul II. The violence quickly escalated, on the back of German borne conspiracy theories alleging ‘LGBT Free Zones’, which were actually zones banning graphic sexual indoctrination of little children at school. Protestors, many bussed in from Germany, showed up at churches such as the Capuchin Friary in Lublin. The astroturfed protestors singled out places of worship for protests, something which the international media refused to condemn.
These events are designed to seem spontaneous but they are not. Soros’s interest in trying to hurt Polish democracy and culture has been a long term strategy. One of the biggest media supporters of the astro turf events in Poland is the daily newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza. In 2016, Soros’s Media Development Fund purchased shares in the Agora, the publisher of Gazeta Wyborcza. Gazeta Wyborcza’s homepage is full of praise for the abortion protests today and has been for the past week. Not leaving it just to print media, Soros has also targeted the radio sector. In 2019, he completed a takeover of the second biggest Polish radio station Radio Zet. He did this by allowing Agora to buy 40% of the station while his SFS VENTURES group purchased the other 60%. More recently, in 2019, Soros invested heavily in the ultra left campaigning group the Batory Foundation in order to influence Polish elections.
The European Union, for their part have strongly had Soros’s back on trying to undermine Polish media for his own needs. After a law was passed in 2015 to ensure anti Polish journalists loyal to external forces would not be allowed to work for state media, preferring that they should instead "preserve national traditions, patriotic and Christian values and strengthen the national community’’, the European Union responded angrily. European Digital Economy Commissioner Günther Oettinger publicly condemned the law in order to bring pressure upon the Poles, even threatening sanctions upon the Polish people.
Media pressure in Poland reveals many of the similarities with Ireland’s situation. 3/4 of Polish media outlets are actually GERMAN owned. This is a similar situation to that of Ireland, where a vast number of media outlets are either British owned masquerading as Irish or else people get their news directly from British press such as Sky News, The Daily Mail or BBC. Out of 19 daily newspapers in Germany, 9 are foreign and 10 are Polish. As has happened in Ireland, Poland is now experiencing a very dizzying foreign based corruption of its youth, with the youth too Americanised and too accustomed to Globalism to be able to detect the intentional alienation from their own culture and history that they are being subjected to.
Having set all these in motion, the late July/early August LGBT protests were a dry run for what we are seeing now. Young people were rallied on social media, ordinary people targeted in the daily press and international support by various celebrities while the feelers were put out to trade unions about getting involved. The most significant part was that Soros’s various international affiliates were able to elicit sympathy from foreign politicians, many of them EU lackies, especially in Ireland. Fiona O’Loughlin for example, of the Fianna Fail party, has been amongst about a dozen Irish politicians regularly releasing statements condemning Polish traditional culture on behalf of the European Union. In one statement in May, O’Loughlin stated:
“The passing of the Same Sex Marriage Referendum in 2015 was a defining moment in our national history and demonstrated that the State cherishes all citizens, irrespective of their sexual identity. To see some European countries, notably Poland and Hungary, display such overt and official homophobia is sickening.
“This is a European issue. The safe freedom of movement of people across the Union is paramount and must be protected. The fact that there is actually a map of LGBT+ ‘no-go’ areas is simply unacceptable and needs to be called out for the blatant discrimination that it is.
“The European Parliament and our Irish MEPs should focus their diplomatic efforts towards tackling homophobia. We can’t simply be idle bystanders when rampant homophobia remains in our borders,” she concluded’’.
In the United States, Joe Biden, referencing European Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovic, stated on September 21st that ‘LGBT Free Zones have no place in the European Union or anywhere in the world’. Presumably, he doesn’t mean Islamic countries.
That tweet brings us to Soros and his lacky Mijatovic. Mijatovic is not the first European Commissioner for Human Rights to be associated with Soros and his groups. The previous European Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muižnieks, had stated in 2017 that Ireland needed to bring its abortion laws more in line with those of Britain. Nils Muižnieks was in fact, a former DIRECTOR of the Soros Foundation. The previous year, in 2016, he actually visited Ireland to lobby for abortion with NGOs based here. Subsequently, Soros money flooded Ireland, breaking electoral rules but he got away with it as Ireland does not have an independent electoral commission who could enforce penalties. Dunja Mijatovic took over the Commissioner role in 2018 and it has been much of the same, though this time targeted towards Poland rather than Ireland. Mijatovic has written for Soros’s Open Democracy website and almost daily uses her social media to share propaganda from it. Some of it is quite sinister and very revealing. In an article on the 6th of May of this year, Mijatovic showed her hand when she said that the Covid 19 restrictions would be an opportunity to expand abortion legislation in Europe. She deliberately singled out Poland:
Regrettably, in Poland, the lower house of the Parliament recently failed to reject a bill that would further restrict access to abortion, keeping it instead for further examination. There have also been worrying attempts by ultra-conservative groups to use the pandemic as an opportunity to call for the rolling back of women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Mijatovic’s comments in August occurred immediately before the outbreak of violence and she never condemned the attacks on Catholics when they did occur. Likewise, her comments this past week immediately preceded the frightening attacks on churches, she has not asked for calm but rather inflamed the situation even worse. Her silence at events closely linked to her cause is quite ironic, given that her other articles on the website for Open Democracy are about Srebrenica, genocide of Roma and the Holocaust. The events that Mijatovic is egging on, with churches being smashed up, priests being attacked and worshippers being targeted for their religion is as close to those events as we have seen in Europe since the late 1990s. In one article on the Holocaust, Mijatovic states:
Political leaders have the duty to prevent intolerance and hate speech from entering mainstream politics. I therefore call on the authorities of all member States to strengthen their efforts to fight Antisemitism and all forms of racism, xenophobia and intolerance. I call on them to invest more in education in order to help current and future generations understand what happens when prejudice and hatred are allowed to thrive. I call on them to become more vocal, visible and effective against those who instil hate.
Are Catholics exempt from being hated? From suffering intolerance?
In recent days, the obviousness of Soros’s astroturfing of this event is clear. As they did in Ireland in 2018, ‘Women’s strikes’ are being arranged by coopted trade unions. And as they did in Ireland in 2018, they are using the same lightning symbol, as can be seen below.
These recent protests in Poland have been sparked by the manipulation a single issue to galvanise, that of the outlawing of abortion of disabled children. In Ireland, the two issues that were hammered home were the death of Savita through sepsis (even though the law protected her) and the alleged mass grave of 800 babies in a septic tank in Tuam (since disproven). In Poland, the LGBT Free Zone conspiracy and now the supposed cruelty of granting disabled children a right to be born have been the rallying points. So, what is the end game for Soros in all of this?
In Dunja Mijatovic’s 2019 report as commissioner, the pages contained within resembled a love letter to Soros more than the fulfillment of the role to which she was entrusted. Just as she publicly condemned Hungary’s Stop Soros Bill, Mijatovic shamelessly used her document to criticise those soveriegn countries who resisted Soros’s meddling.
The Commissioner observes that the government’s anti-immigrant rhetoric is also shaped around the distorted and manipulated image of the philanthropist George Soros as a “globalist” supporter of immigration. He has been subject to successive government-funded smear campaigns on billboards and media in Hungary. The Federation of Hungarian Jewish Congregations has pointed out that such campaigns against Soros have the potential to ignite antisemitism.
This wild hypocrisy, inciting churches being attacked while lamenting genuine criticism of Soros as being Anti Semitic, reveals its hand in the above passage. She sees nothing wrong with Soros interfering in Hungary’s democratic process and instead expresses sorrow that Soros was forced to relocate their Budapest office to Berlin.
On 12 April 2018, the weekly magazine Figyelő published an article “The Speculator’s People”, which consisted of a list of about 200 persons who allegedly worked for so-called “Soros organisations”. Those listed included many academics of the CEU and members of human rights and anti-corruption NGOs including the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Amnesty International Hungary, Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, Transparency International Hungary and K-Monitor, and staff of NGOs working with Roma and immigrants. 48 The philanthropist George Soros himself has been subject to successive government-funded smear campaigns on billboards and media in Hungary. The Open Society Foundations, founded by Soros, closed their Budapest office in August 2018 and relocated to Berlin.
Hungary and Poland have resisted EU immigration for one simple reason, their relatively low abortion rates mean that they do not need it. Hungary especially have cultivated a prolife society in recent years, offering financial help to families who have given birth. As a result of these policies, Hungary had a 0.67% increase in birth rates in 2020. It has successively increased each year for the past number of years. Soros himself, has identified this as being problematic as it makes them resistant to his own migration policies, which he claims were a founding principal of the European Union. Free movement was, not mass migration, certainly not mass migration of non Europeans while European birth rates fall. One article in The Guardian deals with Poland and Hungary’s approach, identifying that mass exodus of Poles since joining the EU has affected their birth rates. Compared to Hungary, Ireland’s birth rates ds the anti National ideals of Soros and others that always lead to a decline in birth rates and seek to turn nations into economic units rato not stack up well, collapsing 24% in 5 years after abortion rates climbed from single digits to 6,666 in 2019. European media outlets have recently decided that any criticism of Europe’s demographic decline is because of a conspiracy called the Great Replacement Theory, which is apparently racist and even anti Semitic. They never say that it is untrue however, even Pope Francis and Cardinal Sarah have expressed their worries over the low birth rates Europe’s anti Natalism.
Pope Francis’s most recent encyclical, Fratelli Tutti condemns the anti National ideals of Soros and others that always leads to a decline in birth rates and seek to turn nations into economic units rather than homelands that foster family and faith.
[19] A decline in the birthrate, which leads to the aging of the population, together with the relegation of the elderly to a sad and lonely existence, is a subtle way of stating that it is all about us, that our individual concerns are the only thing that matters.
[12] “Opening up to the world” is an expression that has been co-opted by the economic and financial sector and is now used exclusively of openness to foreign interests or to the freedom of economic powers to invest without obstacles or complications in all countries. Local conflicts and disregard for the common good are exploited by the global economy in order to impose a single cultural model. This culture unifies the world, but divides persons and nations, for “as society becomes ever more globalized, it makes us neighbours, but does not make us brothers”.[9] We are more alone than ever in an increasingly massified world that promotes individual interests and weakens the communitarian dimension of life. Indeed, there are markets where individuals become mere consumers or bystanders. As a rule, the advance of this kind of globalism strengthens the identity of the more powerful, who can protect themselves, but it tends to diminish the identity of the weaker and poorer regions, making them more vulnerable and dependent. In this way, political life becomes increasingly fragile in the face of transnational economic powers that operate with the principle of “divide and conquer”.
100. I am certainly not proposing an authoritarian and abstract universalism, devised or planned by a small group and presented as an ideal for the sake of levelling, dominating and plundering. One model of globalization in fact “consciously aims at a one-dimensional uniformity and seeks to eliminate all differences and traditions in a superficial quest for unity… If a certain kind of globalization claims to make everyone uniform, to level everyone out, that globalization destroys the rich gifts and uniqueness of each person and each people”.[78] This false universalism ends up depriving the world of its various colours, its beauty and, ultimately, its humanity. For “the future is not monochrome; if we are courageous, we can contemplate it in all the variety and diversity of what each individual person has to offer. How much our human family needs to learn to live together in harmony and peace, without all of us having to be the same!”[79]
105. Individualism does not make us more free, more equal, more fraternal. The mere sum of individual interests is not capable of generating a better world for the whole human family. Nor can it save us from the many ills that are now increasingly globalized. Radical individualism is a virus that is extremely difficult to eliminate, for it is clever. It makes us believe that everything consists in giving free rein to our own ambitions, as if by pursuing ever greater ambitions and creating safety nets we would somehow be serving the common good.
38. Sadly, some “are attracted by Western culture, sometimes with unrealistic expectations that expose them to grave disappointments. Unscrupulous traffickers, frequently linked to drug cartels or arms cartels, exploit the weakness of migrants, who too often experience violence, trafficking, psychological and physical abuse and untold sufferings on their journey”.[37] Those who emigrate “experience separation from their place of origin, and often a cultural and religious uprooting as well. Fragmentation is also felt by the communities they leave behind, which lose their most vigorous and enterprising elements, and by families, especially when one or both of the parents migrates, leaving the children in the country of origin”.[38] For this reason, “there is also a need to reaffirm the right not to emigrate, that is, to remain in one’s homeland”.[39]
41. I realize that some people are hesitant and fearful with regard to migrants. I consider this part of our natural instinct of self-defence.
The violence in Poland is only going to get more intense, as various international abortion companies, the European Union, the European Commission for Human Rights and various George Soros affiliated media outlets pile the pressure on. We’ve seen this in recent days, with the Soros linked Irish abortion campaign mocking attacks on the home of the Archbishop of Wroclaw.
What is most important for these fake groups within Poland is to use international symbols and tactics in order to convince people within Poland that this is the way that the world is going and they are outdated if they do not follow, like those dressing up like characters from American tv shows.
But Poland is lucky where Ireland was not. In Poland, they have both Catholic politicians and a Catholic media. Ireland had neither in 2018 (still nothing of note). Radio Maryja for example has 1 million daily listeners. These all need to be utilised and the Polish bishops need to speak up. What is happening there is dangerously close to getting out of hand. These extremists are being emboldened and endorsed by powerful people who are normalising anti religious violence of the sort that has not been seen in Europe since the 1990s. If it is not addressed soon, it will end in bloodshed, and that blood will be on the hands of George Soros, Dunja Mijatovic and the European Union.
George Soros has had the nerve to call democratically elected leaders ‘Enemies’ who have ‘occupied’ their countries. This is incendiary language makes his position very clear. He regards himself, not the Polish people, as the one who should determine the future of Poland. So what will the answer to this be?
Even greater than Polish democracy is the sanctity of free religious worship in Europe. If gangs were invading Mosques and Synagogues and smashing them up, intimidating worshippers and threatening Imams and Rabbis, what would the response be? You already know the answer to that. So why are you allowing this to happen in churches whilst feeling hesitant towards asserting the clear criminality of these actions?
Two Dozen Poles fighting off 6,000 Soros agents hoping to destroy their church in Warsaw.