Catholics Beheaded by Islamist in Nice during Mass


On Wednesday 28th October, President Erdogan of Turkey sent a chilling warning. The increasingly confrontational leader, who recently desecrated the Hagia Sophia, warned that France was planning a ‘new crusade’ against the Islamic world. Evidently because Emmanuel Macron supported Charlie Hebdo’s right to free speech after a school teacher was beheaded in Paris for showing the cartoons to his class.

What is essentially a row between the followers of Mohammad and those of Robespierre, both with a shared affection for beheading French Catholics it seems, is drawing in innocent Catholics as collateral damage, with extremist Muslims failing to distinguish between secular Kafir and Christian Kafir and the Secularists unable to distinguish between French Christians and French Muslims in which one’s beliefs they are more indifferent to.

This morning then, a deranged terrorist arrived into Nice’s Notre Dame Cathedral for Mass. The church had many of its regulars there, eager to escape the house for sanity with a strict lockdown impending in a week’s time. The sacristan, a father of two in his 40s, opened the church as usual at 7 o’clock before setting up the altar. Some time during the Mass, the cowardly Jihadist entered the church screaming Allahu Akbar, just as his predecessors did in Normandy four years ago when they murdered Fr. Jacques Hamyl. ‘Get behind me Satan’ was the retort of Fr. Hamyl then, we do not know what the final words, if any came from those who were martyred for Our Lord this morning in Nice.

One woman, in her 70s, was beheaded. Another woman, a mother aged 30, was stabbed and died from her injuries. The sacristan too, was brutally beheaded by the attacker. The murderer is now in custody after reportedly being shot by police during his arrest.


This has all occurred on Muhammad’s birthday no less. A coincidence? Only if you believe simultaneous attacks in Avignon and at the French Embassy in Saudi Arabia today were a coincidence too.

Catholics are wasting their time thinking that the Republic wants to protect them. They didn’t even investigate the obvious arson at Notre Dame last year. If Macron cannot guarantee safety for Catholics from the consequences of his own rivalry with Erdogan, then why should Catholics give him homage? The Republic, which hates Catholicism, provokes the Muslims that it invited in and then the Muslims take it out on Catholics.

This is the predicament for the French, either remain the bastard children of the Bastille or live as sons and daughters of the Vendee. With the former, you will soon find yourselves slaves of the inevitable caliphate, with the latter, your ancestors will smile down upon you as God wanted his eldest daughter to live.

International media have been trying to play down the ‘knife attack’ with some even daring to mention France’s ‘anti Islamic’ policies of late. We leave you instead with Cardinal Sarah’s words on the matter.

Islamism is a monstrous fanaticism that must be fought with strength & determination He will not stop his war. Unfortunately, we Africans know this too well. The barbarians are always enemies of peace. The West, now France, must understand. Let us pray.