Viktor Orban Defends Christianity against George Soros

In a recent article on Project Syndicate, George Soros outlined his dark and wicked vision for ensuring the destruction of Poland and Hungary just as he engineered a decline in the birth rates of Irish people.

In response, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has penned an article refuting many of Soros’s claims that the Hungarian and Polish people need to have their countries decimated.

Orban rightfully points out that Europe has benefitted from having individual nation states, more so than from being amalgamated into larger unions bound together by Enlightenment secularism.

‘It was Christian freedom which ensured freedom of thought and culture, and which created benign competition among the continent’s nations. This magnificent amalgam of contrasts made Europe the world’s leading power through centuries of history.
Every attempt to unify Europe under the aegis of empire has failed. Thus historical experience tells us that Europe will be great again if its nations become great again, and resist all forms of imperial ambition’.

Continuing, Orban points out that Soros’s plan to introduce abortion into Poland and Hungary is primarily designed to serve the oligarchs:

‘The goals of the network are obvious: to create multi-ethnic, multicultural open societies by accelerating migration, and to dismantle national decision-making, placing it in the hands of the global elite’.

The more astute out there will remember that prior to the Irish Referendum to remove the rights of unborn babies to live, the leaked George Soros files identified politicians and NGOs in Ireland who could be relied upon to carry out Soros’s will within the country. For this type of activity, Soros is called ‘the most corrupt man in the world’.

‘On the payroll of George Soros are a long list of politicians, journalists, judges, bureaucrats and political agitators masquerading as members of civil society organizations. And although the billionaire accuses all his enemies of corruption, he himself is the most corrupt man in the world. He pays off and buys whoever he can – and those whom he cannot bribe will be slandered, humiliated, intimidated and destroyed by the network through its formidable weapon: the left-wing media battalions’.

What Western European mainstream media will not tell you regarding Viktor Orban is that he is unashamedly presenting a Christian perspective for European democracy. Many self loathing Christians recoil at the thought that European should be overtly Christian, but the only other options are secularism or Islam, there is no middle ground.

‘Soros wants an open society, while we want a safe society. According to him, democracy can only be liberal, while we think it can be Christian. According to him, freedom can only serve self-realization, while we believe that freedom can also be used to follow the teachings of Christ, to serve one’s country, and to protect our families. The basis of Christian freedom is the freedom to decide. This is now in jeopardy’.

Having lived under Communism, the Eastern Bloc of the European Union are now advising the rest of the continent to heed their call and see the rise of evil and oligarchy on the horizon.

‘Western leaders who have lived their whole lives in a world of inherited freedom and the rule of law should now listen to those who have fought for freedom and who – based on their personal life experiences – can distinguish between the rule of law and tyranny, or the rule of man. Such Western leaders must accept that in the 21st century we shall not surrender the freedom we fought to achieve at the end of the 20th century.

The battle for and against the new Brussels empire has not yet been decided. Brussels seems to be surrendering, but many nation states continue to resist. If we want to preserve our freedom, Europe must not succumb to the Soros network’.

The question that Europeans must now ask is, who does their continent belong to? To Europeans in the name of Christ, or to Globalists in the name of Soros.