Irish Politicians Condemn Late Term Abortion

In 2018, then Fine Gael TD Kate O’Connell taunted prolifers by crowing in the Dail that ‘You lost, it must be hurting. But we’ll get our way’.

‘Our way’ meaning of course the introduction of abortion. An abortion regime has since emerged wherein babies are being stabbed in the heart and left on tables to die, surely not what Kate (since unelected) had in mind?

With the review of these laws coming up soon (the Dail specifically voted AGAINST helping babies born alive during abortion and administering pain relief to babies in 2018) a number of prolife politicians have drawn attention to these occurrences. A recent report found that doctors were concerned with the violent nature of these abortions, with some even resorting to vomiting in the hallway afterwards out of disgust. Babies are being stabbed in the heart, left to die and it is all happening down the corridor from where mothers are delivering their babies. A grotesque contrast.

Here is the video from today, with short speeches by Peadar Toibin, Carol Nolan, Mattie McGrath and others.

Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly (who stopped being prolife in 2018) did not attend the hearing.