Fianna Fail Attack Catholics for Anti Porn Education

Fianna Fail have fallen a long way since their early days as a Catholic party.

In recent years, they have supported abortion, not just in a broad sense, they have even voted against amendments to ban abortions for disabled children and sex selective abortion. They even sadistically voted with glee to reject legislation that would ensure pain relief to babies who were being aborted.

This week, the party also moved towards banning prolife vigils, something totally unheard of across Europe.

More recently, they have also been behind the cruel and vicious suppression of religious worship in 2021.

With the government’s credibility taking a massive hit from scenes of Gardai storming a Catholic Church in Athlone this past weekend, the Irish media and the government coincidentally all seemed to have gone full scale in a coincidentally coordinated attack on the church’s plans to bring in a Peter Tatchell free sex education program for primary schools.

Fianna Fail’s youth wing, Ogra Fianna Fail, joined in on the action, promoting a bigoted and sectarian perspective that seems to be under the impression that the church has to ask for their approval before educating people of their own faith in their schools.

Fianna Fail appear to be upset about two things.

Firstly, the heavy monies invested by them and by their sister party Fine Gael into ‘porn literacy’ campaigns, which seek to desensitise children into becoming heavy consumers of pornography.

Secondly, it is not negligible that Fianna Fail see the presence of Pornhub and Onlyfans in Ireland as important for keeping its people subdued and also for economic purposes. Pornhub’s parent company MindGeek operate in Dublin, at times earning as much as €350 million per year. More Irish people visit Pornhub’s website each day than visit Amazon, Zoom or Microsoft Office websites. That’s just their main website too, when you add up all of their websites combined, only the likes of Wikipedia, Google and Facebook can be said to have more visitors from the addicted Irish public, many of whom are children. These pornography websites allowed to operate in Ireland, with their enabling of rape and human trafficking, are an essential part of Fianna Fail and Fine Gael Ireland, growing rapidly since both parties destroyed the Irish economy and instituted serf life debt slavery towards the IMF.

Likewise, Onlyfans, an English run prostitution website which has been glorified by the Irish media, has helped to offset some of the economic burden from a decade of austerity and mismanagement. The ubiquity of these two businesses combined have enabled Fianna Fail and Fine Gael to oversee a docile and impotent voter base, with extremely damaged children being exposed to graphic pornography at a very young age.

Fianna Fail, somehow, still has a traditionally rural and Catholic voter base, despite their obvious contempt for those voters.

In 2018, a then Fianna Fail strategist appeared alongside infamous campaigner Peter Tatchell at an event related to Dublin Pride.

Tatchell caused a storm of controversy last summer when it was revealed that he had had a photo taken at Pride that year with now Minister for Children Roderic O’Gorman.

It was also revealed that under Fianna Fail and Fine Gael, a Peter Tatchell linked organisation named ‘Educate and Celebrate’ had given a talk on sex education to Irish Primary Teachers. In the talk, the woman speaking shockingly told the teachers ‘Don’t send a letter home to say you’re about to embark on this work…that’s the worst thing you can do…you’re not asking if they like it or not, that’s not the issue…we have to do this work’.

Another one of those present at the same event at Dublin Pride in 2018 that was attended by the Fianna Fail strategist was Sinn Fein’s Fintan Warfield, who was front and center yesterday in amongst those condemning the church’s plans to educate its own students on the dignity of sex.

Warfield gave an interview to the Irish Times in which he said that he had previously prayed not to be gay, evidently implying that this new program was perceived to be potentially harmful to people like him.

Early in the lockdown last year, Warfield posted this bizarre message on social media.


The church should ask for separation of Church and State and resist all efforts to allow Fianna Fail access to speaking to children in their schools about sex.

If Fianna Fail are serious about providing sex education in a healthy manner to children, they would kick Pornhub and Onlyfans from Ireland. But they are not, so they do not.

There is a far more sinister aspect of Fianna Fail’s timing of this campaign to slander the church.

It was revealed today that Fianna Fail’s laxity on pornography availability to children has led to a situation where 20% of all sexual violence is committed where offender and victim are both under the age of 18. Experts blame the availability of extreme pornography in Ireland. Interestingly, media outlets chose not to criticise the fact that this content is being enabled from the heart of Dublin’s tech sector right in the middle of the city. In 2018, during the shocking violent murder of schoolgirl Ana Kriegel by two teenage boys, the jury was not told that one of the boys had an addiction to extreme and violent pornography, which was easily accessed on his phone due to the refusal of Fianna Fail and Fine Gael to institute proper laws to prevent children from seeing such images.

Some Catholics will be a little sheepish about defending the church’s right to give sex education in this instance, but one thing is for sure, no matter what could possibly be in it, it cannot be worse than the harm that the pro pornography policies of Fianna Fail have done to a generation of Irish children, who are now sexually assaulting one another in record numbers because of it .

- Edward Pacheco