Should Catholics be worried about the Upcoming Vatican Conference?

On the weekend of May 6th, the Fifth International Vatican Conference Virtual Proceedings will take place. The event is entitled Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul Unite to Prevent & Unite to Cure A Global Health Care Initiative How Innovation and Novel Delivery Systems Improve Human Health.

Should Catholics be worried ? Should Catholics be angry?

Yes and Yes.

The fact that pro abortion Chelsea Clinton and Dr. Fauci are two of the speakers at the event is reason enough to be concerned. Fauci recently praised Biden’s reversal of the Mexico City policy, which has enabled abortion Imperialism to commence once more. In this article however, I'd like to point out a few brief reasons as to why Catholics should be angered that Deepak Chopra has also been given a platform to speak at this event. Deepak Chopra is one of the most well-known figures in the new age movement. Some sources estimate that as many as 20 million of his books have been sold worldwide.

His writings have an appeal to those lost souls who are looking for peace, but if any Catholic with a half decent catechesis picked up one of his books and tried to read it, they might not read too many pages. They would not read too many pages because much of what he writes comes across as utter nonsense. The problem is that among the nonsense, there are many theologically misleading statements which can prove dangerous if believed.

To be brief and to the point, the topic he writes about most is "enlightenment". This was the same old lie that came straight from the mouth of the devil in telling Adam and Eve that they could be like God. The whole New Age movement is basically geared towards leading people to become their own gods. At its very core, the whole New Age movement has this Satanic undercurrent, with darkness dressed up as light. It is the domain wherein Satan and his minions masquerade as angels of light.

Here are two quotes from Deepak Chopra which illustrate the kind of information that he spreads to his followers, the first quote -

“There is no holy life. There is no war between good and evil. There is no sin and no redemption. None of these things matter to the real you. But they all matter hugely to the false you, the one who believes in the separate self. You have tried to take your separate self, with all its loneliness and anxiety and pride, to the door of enlightenment. But it will never go through, because it is a ghost.”

The Church teaches that while God sustains everything in creation, He is also transcendent. We are not “divine sparks'' as Buddhists and many New Age thinkers believe. In fact, the church has already spoke on this notion, when it declared that Gnosticism was a heresy as they too believed in a ‘divine spark’.

We are contingent beings, dependent on God for our existence. We also have free will which God gave us so that we could freely love Him and avoid evil. Ever since Lucifer’s revolt in Heaven, good and evil have been at war. As God said in Genesis “I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.” The second quote from Chopra is

- “We must find out for ourselves that inside us is a god or goddess in embryo that wants to be born so that we can express our divinity.”

If we are divine, then why did Our Lord Jesus Christ die on the cross? This claim of divinity is a common thread that runs through New Age thought and teaches people to put themselves in the place of God. It is this claim that we can be as gods that has made Chopra such a huge hit with so many people especially within the New Age circles which are widespread across the world, including in Ireland.

All across Ireland you will be able to find New Age practices whether it be in the form of transcendental meditation, Shamanism, Yoga or Reiki or more subtle, but potentially equally as dangerous, deceptive courses like “Rites Of Passage” which is being promoted in some Catholic circles. Those are among the most common but there are of course many others and the diabolical New Age teachings have crept into Irish society.

As many Catholics know, it has even crept its way into the Church in Ireland. Many Churches are complicit by allowing the practices to be advertised on their church notice boards, practiced in their parish retreat centers and some even advertise things like Reiki on their parish websites. Though it is a great scandal that one of the main purveyors of New Age movement is now being given a platform to speak at the Vatican conference, it is not surprising.

In 2019, the Vatican promoted many gnostic, pagan ideas at the Amazon Synod. It is deeply saddening to see God being betrayed in such a way and to think that as a consequence to Chopra's presence, many poorly catechised Catholics could possibly be led astray into New Age thought and practices.

This is the motivation to run a series of articles on some of those practices in the hope that it will dissuade people from taking part in them dangerous occult practices. It will also hopefully provide some Catholics with some extra information which they can use to encourage those they know who are involved in occultism to give it up and turn fully back to Jesus Christ.

In the next article we will discuss Reiki and some of the inherently diabolical elements contained within.

Mícheál Benedictus.