Baby Organ Incinerator Story Shocks Ireland

It has emerged today that the organs of 18 stillborn babies were sent from Ireland to Belgium for incineration along with medical waste during the past year.

Parents were informed of the grisly details after the organs and tissue had already been destroyed. One mother harrowingly described the horror:

My son's brain went into a bin, as if it was a piece of rubbish, you put rubbish in a bin, why would you put my beautiful son's brain into a bin.

These parents lost their children in very tragic circumstances and that tragedy has now been compounded by this scandalous travesty.

The perplexing question on most people’s minds is ‘How did organs of babies end up being transported to Belgium to be incinerated in the first place?’

The routine incineration of babies was something that was brought up regularly as a topic of interest during the Referendum to Remove the Eight Amendment in 2018. Even last year, as abortion ‘services’ became a more regular part of the ‘health’ service, prolifers actually specifically raised the possibility of the bodies of babies being sent to Belgium from Ireland for incineration.

Supporters of the abortion law mocked the suggestion that this could happen. one replied They're transported to the Hollow Earth to fertilise the Lizard People eggs, obviously. Gawd. Another replied OK Boomer. As with every other prediction from prolifers surrounding the Repeal of the 8th amendment, this one came true and Repealers didn’t even take the time to listen, let alone understand it.

This dismissive attitude was not an isolated incident. The contempt and disdain for prolife campaigners was such that a perplexed Simon Harris even once asked Ronan Mullen (albeit under his breath) ‘What abortion industry?’ during debates after the vote.

Had Irish society done its homework in 2018, it would have known that incineration of aborted babies is a stalwart of abortion culture.

In 2014, for example, it was revealed that over 15,000 babies had been incinerated in UK hospitals in order to provide heating to the hospital buildings. The primary target of these incinerations were aborted babies, as the hospitals could in some cases save close to £20 per baby by disposing of them in such a fashion, but miscarried babies became collateral as they were disposed of in the same manner too.

The UK incident was only one occurrence however, Oregon had a similar scandal some years ago that also saw similar numbers incinerated.

Yet many in the abortion industry protested that in many cases such means of disposal were not merely legal but recommended. Those who claim that Texas has introduced a disproportionate response to abortion laws would do well to remember its previous advice on disposing of babies (not limited to aborted ones) which read:

disinfection followed by deposition in a sanitary landfill grinding and discharging to a sanitary sewer.

To be clear, RTE’s report as has been made public so far makes no mention of aborted babies being included in the ‘clinical waste’ that made its way from Ireland to Belgium.

A statement on behalf of the hospital involved said:

that this distressing incident has occurred … under very extenuating and unprecedented circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic

One rabid pro abortion party risibly responded that this was a

a hugely disrespectful way of treating human remains.

You don’t say.

Please remember the families affected in your prayers and also their little ones.