Will Ireland and the UK Drink the Kool Aid? — Catholic Arena

Will Ireland and the UK Drink the Kool Aid?

TITLE PHOTO — VIALS USED IN MASs-suicide/murder 1978,


In 1978 Jim Jones persuaded, coerced and forced ~700 adults and ~200 children to kill themselves with a flavoured-drink laced with a concoction of toxic drugs and cyanide.

Jonestown, 1978

The catchy term used for people complying with such extreme brain-washing is to “Drink the Kool-Aid.” (In reality, they used a product called Flavour-Aid, not Kool-Aid.)

Jones was a delusional, charismatic, malignant narcissist, and probably a psychopath. He knew how to connect “directly to people's fears, confusion, grief, and anger.  He challenged people to actively question established religious practices and to develop a personal belief system that encompassed ways to create change in their everyday lives and express their commitment to social justice.” 

Sounds familiar?

The regular folk in Jonesville came in search of a Utopian society — what they found was death.

Teenagers in Jonestown before their death.

The manipulation by Jones has uncanny correlations to the emotional manipulation used to promote death in the name of “compassion” and “dignity” — “voluntary” euthanasia; abortion; the euthanasia of sick adolescents/children and even infanticide.


Please watch the exquisitely produced, & visually stunning video promoting Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia. It was sponsored by a Canadian women’s fashion retailer, Simons. After watching the video, try telling me that it doesn’t hit all the right emotional chords to persuade the viewer — even though it is presenting a wildly dystopian view of death and dying.

For more on this sort of perverse pitch, please read the GRIPT article by Thade Andy.

As individuals we believe that we are not influenced by newspapers, TV and (Anti)-Social Media but corporations do not spend millions upon millions on advertising because they think it might just benefit their profit margin: they know full well that they can change spending habits, opinions and even voting choices. (Why else would liberals have a conniption fit when Elon Musk bought Twitter? Jack Dorsey admitted to modifying the Algorithm during elections.)

The manipulation of the public includes persuasion, coercion and even force. If you are sceptical about the use of force, dare you to make some comment on Twitter opposing the Pro-Death narrative from Dignity in Dying or My Death My Decision etc. The Trolls can get quite…feisty! Also, watch how they bully any Irish TD or British MP who dares to oppose such legislation.


In Ireland, the Ceann Comhairle — Seán Ó Fearghaíl — just announced that there will be a special Oireachtas Committee to investigate legislation for Assisted Suicide in Ireland. (For non-Irish readers, the Ceann Comhairle is the ‘Speaker of the House’ of the Irish parliament, the Oireachtas.)  

As expected, the issue has returned because the original Dying with Dignity Bill, 2020 / An Bille um Bás Dínitiúil, 2020 as proposed by Gino Kenny was sent for further review in 2021.

In the UK, parliament has just announced a “new inquiry on Assisted Dying / Assisted Suicide.” (At least they have the honesty to call it “Suicide.”) The claim is that they will look at the evidence from “at least 27 jurisdictions worldwide. It became legal in Canada in 2015; the Netherlands in 2001; Oregon in the United States in 1994.”

That evidence should scare them silly (see below.) Canada will start euthanising those with mental illnesses alone in only 3 months: by March 2023. [PS: date later deferred to March 2024] This is a mere 6+ years after initial legalisation was passed. It is no longer limited to terminal illness and they are seriously looking at euthanasia for the “mature minors”, possibly down to 12 year of age.


AS zealots sell AS/Euthanasia as the “cure-all” to the pain and suffering first for the “terminally ill” in much the same way Jones sold a piece of jungle as Utopia. (Later they extend it to non-terminal suffering, etc.) They will tout a few sad cases in severe pain as emotional blackmail, even though physical pain is not even in the top 5 reasons cited in any of the Oregon Death with Dignity reports. (Many of those cases are obviously lacking proper palliative care.)

Below are some recent egregious cases which show how countries are jumping over the moral precipice. (Not all were completed deaths — for example, there was a successful Go-Fund-Me for Mr. Farsoud.) Most of these cases are from Canada, but there are plenty others from the Netherlands, Belgium and beyond.

  • Canadian Military Veterans suffering from PTSD are being offered Euthanasia as a treatment option.

Click photo for link to article:

  •  Amir Farsoud applied for euthanasia when threatened with eviction though he did not wish to die, but he could not afford alternative accommodation.

Click photo for link to article:

  •  Tine Nys, a 38-year-old woman, was euthanized in Belgium for “depression” because she was having difficulty getting over a failed relationship. (Middle person in the photo.)

Click photo for link to article:

  • Video on the ease of accessing Euthanasia in Canada, including 23-year-old Canadian Kiano Vafaeian’s story. He applied for euthanasia because he was losing his sight due to Type I Diabetes.

  • A poignant story of euthanasia primarily for loneliness and depression complicating chronic physical issues. (MAiD for mental illnesses alone is legal as of March 2023. This is going to be an absolute disaster for suicide prevention and the proper treatment of mentally ill people.)

Click image for link to the article:

The sad thing is that this is not an exhaustive list and such cases are becoming commonplace. It is not snake oil they are selling — it’s the venom.


The advocates will spout about “autonomy” and claim that decision for suicide is purely an individual decision — that is a load of horse manure! Assisted Suicide / Euthanasia is toxic to many remaining family members, friends and society as a whole.

Click image to Twitter and follow the JEMH link:

A peer reviewed research article has shown that the jurisdictions which have legalised Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia have an increase in regular non-assisted suicide, especially in women.

Human dynamics are complex. One can guess that the children of people who have taken AS/Euthanasia will be more likely to commit suicide themselves: the Werther Effect: suicide contagion. (The Werther Effect has been shown in local communities and in society more broadly.)

There is also an opposite effect: the Papageno Effect is when a role model / famous person renounces suicide and reduces the incidence in the community. (“…whereby exposure to role models and examples of people who have initially tried to take their own lives but who have finally renounced this idea and overcome the crises, anguish or difficulties that caused them generate in the viewer a suicide preventive effect.”) Scientists can show the effects on suicide numbers from media reporting:

“The Werther Effect, the Papageno Effect or No Effect? A Literature Review” by Jan Domaradzki

In summary, the introduction of Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia will lead to increasing numbers of assisted deaths and non-assisted suicides. They will get younger and younger, which is a death knell for any society. “…It tolls for thee.”


The Oireachtas in Ireland and the British parliament have both revived the question of Assisted Suicide.

This is because of a small, world-wide movement of very dedicated & very vocal zealots who want to persuade, coerce and force the introduction of Pro-Death legislation where-ever and whenever they can. We need to stay vigilant in opposition because the outcome of their success is very bad for our families, friends and community.

It is not just one individual who drinks the Kool-Aid — the whole country is poisoned by Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia.

Kevin Hay

(You can follow Kevin on Twitter @kevinhay77)


Original podcast about Canadian Kiano Vafaeian’s is no longer available.

Similar video from CBC inserted June 2023.
