A Review: Part II
Part II continues with the topics pertaining to Laudate Deum which were glossed over, mentioned as half-truths or simply ignored by Pope Francis.
Pope Francis noted his strong support of COP28, which is to be held in ExpoCity Dubai, November 30# to December 12# 2023.
“If there is sincere interest in making COP28 a historic event that honours and ennobles us as human beings, then one can only hope for binding forms of energy transition that meet three conditions: that they be efficient, obligatory and readily monitored.”
“This, in order to achieve the beginning of a new process marked by three requirements: that it be drastic, intense and count on the commitment of all.”
The Holy Father does not proffer specific solutions to the crisis, other than indicating that the world must immediately follow the guidance from such climate conferences.
(Call me a cynic for thinking that the decisions from COP28 have already been written.)
Dubai is at the pinnacle of obscene wealth.
The ‘One-Percenters’ attending COP28 are going to possibly the most opulent, luxurious and affluent country in the world — and they expect to tell the rest of us how to live?!
There is not one word in the COP28 Sustainability Program about people attending the meeting by Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, Google Hangouts, WebEx, Teams…or any other videoconferencing app the plebs must use!
Instead, there are ads about flying to ExpoCity, Dubai where the delegates will stay up to 2 weeks. ‘Nice CO2 junket!
Anyone getting “The Paradigm” yet??
(It isn’t God they praise in Dubai…)
The Holy Father sidesteps all the details of how we will reach NET ZERO.
Many elites are planning the depopulation of the world to ‘de-carbonise.’
Bill Gates publicly suggested a mild 10-15% reduction. Others suggest dropping 7 BILLION people.
Sweet, ‘little-old lady’ Jane Goodall used the euphemistic term of returning to “the size of population that there was 500 years ago.” She omits to say that the population of the world in 1500 A.D. was only ~500 million humans…or less!
There are only a few ways one can reduce the world population by 7.5 Billion within the next ~25 years:
Goodall is a genocidal Granny.
Yuval Noah Harari, advisor to the WEF, believes that the majority of humanity are “a massive class of useless people.”
He does not get the irony of a Jew describing people this way — the NAZI’s referred to the disabled and the mentally ill as"useless eaters" or "useless mouths."
Patrick Moore, founder of GreenPeace, is a voice of reason.
“The overwhelming majority of scientists specializing in the climate support this correlation, and only a very small percentage of them seek to deny the evidence.”
Clearly all research funding and grants go to those who will find evidence for the Climate Crisis. Climate journals are biased towards pro-crisis articles and Social-Media uses their algorithms to censor “dis-information” or “mis-information” coming from gainsayers. Little wonder we hear very little opposing evidence.
“Regrettably, the climate crisis is not exactly a matter that interests the great economic powers, whose concern is with the greatest profit possible at minimal cost and in the shortest amount of time.”
The ‘great economic powers’ are VERY interested in the Climate Crisis…because they are salivating over the possibility of gaining full control over the peasants (for ‘the greatest profit possible!’)
“The change in average surface temperatures cannot be explained except as the result of the increase of greenhouse gases.”
There are dissenting voices who propose the changes are purely from Milankovitch cycles. Even if the temperature and CO2 increases are truly man-made, the next step is to show that they cause damage which the earth cannot cope with: this really has not been done. Warmth is less harmful than cold to humans and CO2 is plant food.
A 2014 lecture by Dr. William Happer, professor of physics at Princeton University, rebutting the myth of carbon pollution is below.
“Despite all attempts to deny, conceal, gloss over or relativize the issue, the signs of climate change are here and increasingly evident.”
“No one can ignore the fact that in recent years we have witnessed extreme weather phenomena, frequent periods of unusual heat, drought and other cries of protest on the part of the earth that are only a few palpable expressions of a silent disease that affects everyone.”
He makes one concession: “Admittedly, not every concrete catastrophe ought to be attributed to global climate change.””
Many dispute the “increase” in extreme weather events but what is not in question is the enormous reduction in death rates from weather events, all thanks to emergency services and technology which is made, or is powered by, fossil fuels.
The Holy Father scare-mongered nuclear energy though is the greenest high-power base-load energy source and has the best safety profile!
“One need but think of the momentary excitement raised by the money received in exchange for the deposit of nuclear waste in a certain place. The house that one could have bought with that money has turned into a grave due to the diseases that were then unleashed.”
I pray that Pope Francis truly believes that “the world is burning” and is pushing the globalist NET ZERO agenda as a knee-jerk reaction. That is excusable — many others are falling into the same trap.
To achieve NET ZERO, we must cut the majority of fertilizer and fossil fuel used on farms. The logistical problem is that we can only feed 8 billion people through efficient farming and there are no viable alternatives of scale. (No: not even eating bugs.) Sri Lanka is the example of the disaster of “sustainable agriculture.” The only logical outcome of such cuts is widespread human extermination through famine.
Many elites have calculated that NET ZERO must lead to famine. There are just a few man-made causes of sudden population reduction (so, exclude the asteroid.) Some will sound familiar. They include:
Germ Warfare (a pandemic.)
Mass sterilization (easiest by modified vaccination.)
Widespread refusal of effective vaccines (from fear of modifications & side-effects.)
Lack of power to heat or cool homes.
Widespread starvation (reduced fertilizer & farming.)
Widespread poisoning of fresh water (or alternative chemical extermination.)
WWIII / Armageddon.
Sri Lanka was the canary in the coalmine. The run-on effect from famine is civil unrest — then local insurrection and potentially, civil war. Worldwide starvation will inevitable lead to the emergence of dictators like Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. Such totalitarian dictators bring purges — or even WWIII.
NET ZERO will not Praise God.
Kevin Hay
(You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 — formerly Twitter — @ kevinhay77)