What if the chant was "From the River Foyle to the Irish Sea, Ireland will be free..."


Dr. Eli David is a Jew, an Israeli, a Zionist and proud of being the 58th ‘most influential’ account on TwiX in 2022. (Swifties: @DrEliDavid is even ahead of Taylor Swift, at 59th!!) He is obviously chagrined by the amount of Irish support for Hamas/Gaza/Palestine.

David often makes his point with cutting satire and sarcasm, but he has posted some really inept Tweets about Ireland (one below.) One post after the Parnell Square stabbings was so tactless that it likely alienated many good folk. (It was a trite questionnaire related to the stabbings. Not copied here.)


Many protesters in Ireland are good people looking to help the innocents who are being hurt in this conflict.

Be clear though: protesters who chant “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” are calling for the annihilation of all Jews and the State of Israel.

The “river” is the River Jordan which marks the eastern border of Israel and the “Sea” is the Mediterranean Sea, on the west coast.

If you do not believe this, please read my summary of the 1988 “Hamas Covenant” which lists Hamas goals in their own words (link below.)


The Irish ‘Two State Solution’

A David post on X

One of David’s Posts to Ireland caught my eye: he sarcastically called for a ‘Two State Solution’ between the native Irish and the radical Islamist immigrants now resident in Ireland. David selected the Shannon as the ‘river’, not realizing that the map of Ireland already shows the “Two-State Solution” — Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

“From the River Foyle to the Irish Sea…”

‘The Troubles’ in Northern Ireland are settled since the 1990’s and thankfully the two communities are moving forward, in peace. Imagine what would happen if crowds of Protestants or Catholics now chanted "From the River Foyle to the Irish Sea, Ireland will be Free" as a call for the total annihilation of every man, woman and child in the other group…

Israel is being attacked by an enemy who is trying to eradicate her. By considering the Northern Ireland scenario, some might reassess what protesting in support of Hamas/Gaza/Palestine means to Israel. We did say, “Never Again!”

Ireland & Israel

David would likely gain more support in Ireland by highlighting the similarities between Irish and Israeli history. In particular the Great Famine, 1845–1851 which many consider to be a genocide as there was enough food to feed the 2 million people who starved to death, or were forced to emigrate. Also, Ireland was partitioned into the Republic and Northern Ireland (UK) in May 1921.


The humanitarian tragedy in Gaza started long before the massacres and rapes of October 7th. Hamas leaders have siphoned BILLIONS into their personal coffers and they have put vulnerable Palestinians in harms way — whilst living high on the hog and safe in Qatar. These cowards are to blame for this tragedy.

Absolutely, every innocent in Gaza should receive aid urgently — starting with what has been stolen from them.

Hamas leaders spotted feasting in Qatar, hosted by the Emir of Qatar.


Kevin Hay

(AND before people jump down my throat about Northern Ireland, please note that my grandparents moved to the Republic after being in danger during the 1920 Belfast protests. Apparently they were protected by Protestant neighbours.)
