A warning from the Imam of Peace

The Imam of Peace — Mohammad Tawhidi — is a voice of reason on 𝕏 / Twitter.

He is an Australian (formerly Iraqi) Shia Muslim Imam. He condemns all terrorism and believes that Islam must be reformed in order to survive. He has been critical of the treatment of women in Islamic countries and has called for the appointment of women to the Australian National Imams Council. He rejects the use of hijab in public. Imam Tawhidi opposes domestic violence, polygamy and the killing of apostates.

The image below summarizes what he stands for:

The Imam’s focus on peace is why I pay attention to his warning below.

In a separate post he showed the blasphemous image of Jesus as a Hamas soldier, with Mary behind.

This is wrong on so, so many levels.

The lack of even minimal response to such sacrilege shows how weak Christians have become.

Kevin Hay

You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 / Twitter — Twi𝕏 @ kevinhay77