The All American Smile

"But Grandmother!  What big teeth you have," said Little Red Riding Hood. 


Though Joe is now 80 years old, he still has that signature ‘all-American’ smile.

When he smiles, his whole face smiles. Joe has a natural “Duchenne Smile” which engenders a sense of trust in other people. This is a major factor in his popularity because a natural smile is very hard to fake consistently — even with the help of a perfect set of dental veneers!

(More information on smiles in the article below: click the image to follow the link.)


Politicians can use ‘religion’ to garner votes, or to shield themselves against criticism, even when their faith is lukewarm, or dead. Biden’s recent visit to Ireland included a well-publicised trip to the Knock Shrine. He noted the visit to Ireland had “reinforced” his determination to run for President again in 2024!

So, is Joe using his Catholicism as a political tool? 

Biden has made several morally-bankrupt decisions as President — though these may be excusable if he he is cognitively impaired and being manipulated by others. That said, he has a long history of odious choices. Several example below are supported with video/audio clips confirming his position, in his own words.


It is clear that Biden and his administration support Abortion at any stage of pregnancy, Infanticide and the underage Transition of gender-confused children/adolescents. Clearly, he opposes basic tenets of the Catholic Church. (Infanticide occurs in the jurisdictions which have late-term abortion. When born alive — a “failed” abortion — the baby is usually left to die without warmth, food or medical care…this is happening in Ireland. In some places babies are actively killed.)


Joe always has that perfect anecdote.

  • He was a professional truck driver: Not a joke!

  • He was arrested while marching for Civil Rights: Not a joke!

  • He was arrested in South Africa on his way to meet Mandela: Not a joke!

  • He was first in his family to attend college: Not a joke!

  • He was appointed to the Naval Academy — and on & on with the self-aggrandisement.

 The video below shows him flip-flopping on marching in the Civil Rights Movement:


Joe Biden had to withdraw from the 1988 Presidential campaign after plagiarizing a speech given by British politician Neil Kinnock. He even copied Kinnock’s hand gestures and the comments Kinnock made about his wife.



As Chair of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1991, Biden opposed the ratification of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court of the US. Later Sen. Arlen Specter documented that in 1998 Biden had told him: “It was clear to me from the way she was answering the questions, [Hill] was lying” about a key part of her testimony…”

Below are links to 4 video’s of Biden grilling the now, Justice Thomas.

(1#, 2#, 4# are the web addresses below: 3# is the Video image/link.)


In 1977 Biden publicly opposed the busing of school kids to reduce desegregation.


As Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, Biden was pivotal in precipitating the Iraq War.


In 2015, VP Biden supervised the swearing-in ceremony at the US Senate. The video shows repeated boundary violations of pre-pubescent and teenage girls.

There is an allegation from the diary of his daughter Ashley Biden, that “my Dad” showered with her inappropriately. In Court the diary was confirmed as being stolen — which seems to validate its contents indirectly.


Biden ordered the sudden withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan in 2021.

This returned the country to the control of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — the Taliban. Afghan women and girls were abandoned, as were perhaps 9000 American citizens and thousands of Afghan allies. America also left $80 billion worth of armaments.

Biden’s response to opposition is also clear.


(Note the smile at ~00.43 secs, just before he turns nasty.)

Even without reference to what may come out of Hunter Biden’s laptop, these examples show consistent personality traits going back at least 45 years.

Creepy Joe wields his smile and his Catholicism as political tools. 

"The better to eat you with, my dear."

Kevin Hay

(You can follow Kevin on Twitter @kevinhay77)