The world has gone stark raving mad over “Climate Change” & “Greenhouse Gas” — so why not torch the little critters producing double the carbon dioxide of mankind?!
The question of exterminating the termite crossed my mind after seeing crazy Irish headlines reporting a proposed cull of 200,000 cattle — at the cost of €600 million over 3 years! If we must wage war on animal-produced CO2, then surely we must attack larger sources of the gas also?!
The quick answer is HELL NO — leave the darn termite alone! Bear with me as I explain.
(This is not to deny that humans rape the world for resources and pollute unnecessarily.)
Dark memories of a Cull
The proposal for a ‘cull’ of the Irish cattle herd brought back dark images from my childhood of the mass slaughter we saw in the UK in 1967 — 430,000 animals killed over a 6 month period to control a Foot & Mouth outbreak. Devastating.
A Normal Cull
A rancher friend clarified how farmers / ranchers “cull” a herd.
Culling is an ongoing process where individual animals which are now too old, too sick or too lame are ‘separated’ from the herd. This allows for the ongoing rotation of animals which keeps a herd healthier and more productive. Most of these animals still go to market and provide meat for food.
Culling and the slaughter of large numbers happens when there are more serious problems. Illness is the commonest cause (e.g. Foot & Mouth) though there can be other disasters such as drought & starvation.
Animals can be sold early in a famine, but once emaciated they have little value. A mass slaughter is kinder that letting the animals starve to death. >>>>>>>>
If the Irish cull happens it is not likely to be a slaughter: rather a permanent reduction in herd sizes.
The Greenhouse Gas “Emergency”
Governments and agencies like the World Economic Forum present “global warming” from “greenhouse gas” as a cataclysmic risk to the world.
The climate crowd do not provide actual evidence as to how 421 ppm of CO2 can cause such global warming. Indeed, 50% of the green-house effect comes from water vapour in the atmosphere! They claim “scientific consensus” while barring all dissent as misinformation.
The 7 trace gases monitored in Canada are: Carbon Dioxide at 0.04% of the atmosphere (421 ppm to be exact); Methane at 1.89 ppm; Nitrous oxide at 0.33 ppmv; & smaller amounts of sulphur hexafluoride, perfluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons and nitrogen trifluoride. Human production of carbon dioxide is a mere 3 to 5% of the 0.04% in the atmosphere! Miniscule. (At max, 0.002%)
(“atmospheric pollution”)
Every animal, including humans, produce CO2 normally. It is natural to be in the air!
Some Eejits like John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, now think that we must remove every molecule of CO2. If we reduce carbon dioxide to zero, pretty much all life on earth will cease.
Watch for publications (>>>>) which suggest that CO2 is “atmospheric pollution.” CO2 is PLANT FOOD!! The world is greening (in part) because of higher carbon dioxide levels.
The European Green Deal [EGD]
Under the European Green Deal, the climate neutrality objective becomes a legal commitment for the 27 countries which signed on to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the specified targets. The document was lacking in detail how this is to be achieved but the targets are enormous and must be achieved in very short time-frames (just 7 years to 2030; then only 20 years to 2050.)
The first target is a 55% reduction of greenhouse gas emission by 2030, as compared to 1990 emissions.
Then, the 27 countries must achieve Net Zero by 2050.
The financial cost alone is staggering. The 2030 target alone is estimated to require an additional €82 billion to €147 billion in spending every year. (say ~€1 trillion.) Beyond 2030, the additional investments estimate is about €4.6 trillion 2031-2050.
Infrastructure change will be enormous. All energy production; industry; farming; transportation & food must change to ‘clean tech.’
Then we come to the social cost. Regular life in Europe will not be the same. Some of the first changes will be ‘voluntary’: bug-burgers, as a joke. Fairly rapidly governments will mandate changes. The Euro will become a digital currency and then each of us will get a digital “Social Score” (a la China.) European governments will be authoritarian and as controlling as the Chinese Communist Party. You will not have a car. You will not eat meat. You will not heat your home. You will own nothing…
If the war on humanity is not enough, they are coming for your pets too.
People like John Kerry, Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum think that the EGD rules are for the Plebeians, not themselves. Johnnie, Billie and our good buddy Klaus are not eating bug-burgers while they fly around the world in personal jets…
The War on Farming
The move to reduce farms in the Netherlands by 40% is a page from the new environmental playbook. Remember that the Netherlands is the 8# largest exporter of food in the world.
Countries cannot achieve EGD targets without hitting farming — hard. Governments must reduce fertilizer, energy input and livestock. Wikipedia reports the initial 2030 proposals of:
Making 25% of EU agriculture organic.
Reduce by 50% the use of pesticides.
Reduce the use of Fertilizers by 20%.
Reduce the use of anti-microbials by 50%.
After 2030 we know what must happen: total organic farming; no fertilizer; no pesticide; less fuel; few or no cattle or hogs, much less dairy production and consequently, much, much, less available real food. (That is when eating bugs becomes a viable option.) They will make farming impossible for the regular farmer.
Be warned: Sri Lanka mandated 100% organic farming. Food production plummeted and the country starved.
The Moral Question of the Millennium
We can feed 8 billion people with modern farming.
Those still starving are often in war-torn countries, suffering drought or where there is maldistribution of food. The point is that we can feed everyone.
The moral question before us is whether some vague risk of ‘global warming’ out-weighs the precipitation of starvation in millions — if not billions — of human beings? (& acknowledging the ensuing violent rebellions.)
This will arise from foolish decisions (like the Irish cattle-culling idea) emanating from the European Green Deal and other asinine ‘accords.’
This is the Culling of Humanity.
Kevin Hay
(You can follow Kevin on Twitter @kevinhay77)