Ireland to have 10,000 abortions this year

Ireland is currently experiencing waves of violence, emigration and drug use.

In addition, abortion is now skyrocketing as government efforts to destroy the family continue apace.

In a HSE answer to a parliamentary question, it was confirmed that 5,052 abortions of Irish babies took place in the first 6 months.

Spokesperson Eilís Mulroy said:

“The indication from the HSE that between January and June this year we have already seen 5,052 abortions carried out is truly shocking. Last year, the number of abortions carried out in the first six months was roughly the same as the amount carried out in the final six months, which totalled 8,876 abortions based on payment claims.

“This suggests that if current trends for 2023 continue, it is reasonable to assume that the abortion rate will reach over 10,000. This is an indictment of Ireland’s abortion policy and clearly illustrates that women in unplanned pregnancies are being let down by the government. Some senior members of government have expressed concern at Ireland’s soaring abortion rate. It’s now time for action, not words, on exploring meaningful ways to reduce the abortion rate, or else the upwards trend will inevitably continue.”