Pakistan Unleashes on Hell on Christians

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One American commentator, who is no longer Catholics, recently wrote (from the comfort of his own privileged American home):

Historical Catholicism produced martyrs. Modern Catholicism produces lapsed Catholics and atheists'

The reality could not be further from the truth.

In the past week alone, we have reported on the persecution of Catholics in Nicaragua, India, Pakistan and Armenia.

In Nicaragua, religious are being expelled while a bishop rots in jail, in India Christian women are being gang raped and paraded in public by Hindus, while in Pakistan the situation continues to escalate.

Only a day after Cork City Council raised the Pakistan flag, the country erupted in hatred towards Christians, burning Bibles, ripping crosses from churches and setting fire to church buildings. This is not to mention their violent assaults on Christian families, torturing them in the process.

2,000 people have so far been forced to flee their homes in Faisalabad where the violence erupted.

In all around 13 churches have been attacked, with Muslims either vandalising them or setting them on fire.

The Muslims also went to a local Catholic Church and set fire to marriage, baptism and other parish records.

The deranged attacks stem from invented incidents involving so called ‘blasphemy’, which is often used by Muslims in Pakistan as an excuse to target Christians.

It is a small gesture, but you can contact the Irish Embassy to Pakistan by phoning them on +353-1-2613032-33 emailing them to express your disgust.