Armenian Christians Facing Genocide Thanks to West

Westerners often fall prey to false narratives about their place in the world and about the wars that their countries take part in.

It might be easy and even correct to criticise Russia’s actions in Ukraine, but this century alone has already seen the West commit similar crimes on an even larger scale in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and elsewhere.

At the same time that the Ukraine War has been taking place, the West has been assisting the objectively bad guys in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Not only that, but in this instance the good guys are overwhelmingly Armenian Christians while the bad guys are overwhelmingly Azerbaijani and Turkish Muslims.

The conflict has been going on since 2021, with increasing violence impacting upon Armenians in a significant manner.

The former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has now said that the situation involving the blocking of the road from Armenia to Nagorno-Karabakh is so bad that 120,000 people are now facing ‘genocide’ from lack of food and other supplies.

In a report, Luis Moreno Ocampo wrote:

There is a reasonable basis to believe that a genocide is being committed, deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction.

In 2020, Catholic Arena warned:

Far away from Notre Dame, another church is facing a sad fate. Dadivank Monastery, constructed between the 9th and 13th century, lies in the areas that are now being forfeited by the Armenians. The precious art contained within has begun to be moved to Armenia lest it be inevitably destroyed. Many are resigned to the destruction of the church or perhaps conversion into a Mosque. Father Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, abbot of the monastery, has stated that he does not intend to give it up, stating, President of the Republic of Artsakh Arayik Haroutyunyan just called me on the phone and told me not to touch the crosses at Dadivank Monastery since Artsakh won’t be giving Dadivank Monastery to the Turks’’

“I was waiting for a miracle to happen since I wanted to remove the cross-stones that our ancestors have carved and placed here 800 years ago. I was even afraid of being punished for that. I have been afraid and have been waiting for a miracle for the past two days”

Many within the region are now setting their homes on fire before they are abandoned.

The ‘peace’ currently agreed in Armenia is a temporary one. Fighting will resume again soon. Unfortunately, Nato’s alignment with Turkey has given them the upper hand any potential developments. Like the Abbot in Dadivank says, it is now a miracle that must be awaited.

We later warned that Armenians were having to abandon their historic churches , we carried the messages of those calling for Europe to remember their ‘Christian Roots’, and of criticism of EU support for this was on European Christians by Muslims.

Pray for a peaceful solution to those in the region.