Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons resigns over NAZI fiasco

Speaker of the House of Commons in Canada resigned today.

Last Friday he introduced 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka as a “Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero” to parliament during Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s visit. (As reported in CA, Hunka received 2 standing ovations from Parliament.)

Within hours, the world became aware that Hunka fought for the “First Ukrainian Division” which was the “Galician Division” of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the brutal SS.

Speaker Anthony Rota has taken full responsibility for the fiasco.

(Click image to hear Rota’s resignation on X)

There are already calls from Poland for Hunka’s extradition.

Though Rota took full responsibility, it is improbable that he was the only person who knew of Hunka being in the visitors gallery during a foreign president’s visit — especially one whose country is at war.

The image above is of Government House Leader Karina Gould (left) meeting Hunka for a photo op with Rota on the right (and possibly a Hunka family member, rear middle.)

Yesterday Gould called for the written and video record to be expunged of all references to this affair.

Kevin Hay