Cardinal Dolan 'Nations Have Right to Have Borders'

New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan has spoken strongly about the migration crisis currently engulfing the city.

Speaking of the strain that it is causing, Dolan said:

The church has always been very supportive of the right of a nation to have borders and border security . . . we don’t just want borders where anybody can come in

Speaking to the New York Post, Dolan was scathing of the Democratic leadership, both in the White House and of the city itself.

Of US President Joe Biden (a Catholic lest we forget), he said:

He doesn’t take my calls or answer my letters

Of Governor Hochul (another Catholic) he stated:

I’ve spoken with the governor a number of times and haven’t gotten too much consolation

Of Mayor Eric Adams, another Democrat but not a Catholic, he said:

I give Mayor Adams a lot of credit. He tells us where he needs help

He’s been very good about rallying religious leaders, asking our help to advocate with the federal government, which has done hardly anything, [and] with the state government, which hasn’t done much.

The church is on the frontline of the crisis in New York City, with the city preparing to spend 1 Billion dollars to house migrants over the coming three years.

Incidentally, apocalyptic Minister for Integration Roderic O’Gorman secured a 1 Billion euro bailout for spending on Ireland’s own migrant crisis.

With an election looming in the United States of America, it is highly likely that this issue will cause many divisions in the church as voting day looms. Many US Catholics groups are heavily involved in migration, some with merely assisting those who have arrived in becoming accustomed to new surroundings, while others are more hands on in helping people to cross borders.