About 6 million undocumented migrants have crossed the southern border of the US during the 3 years of Joe Biden’s presidency. This influx has stressed the bordering four states, though the numbers are now so large that most every US state has been affected.
(The young Biden family.)
Joe Biden, President
Nominal catholic Joe Biden told everyone to come to America — but did not say they must enter legally.
Biden touts himself as being a devout catholic but is radically pro-abortion so, a “small-c” catholic.
He — or the people controlling him — is now doing everything within his power to keep the border open to the floods of undocumented / illegal migrants. This plan seems designed to enlist a large number of grateful Democrat voters.
The border is ~1,954 miles, or 3,145 kilometers long. The approximate length of border for the four adjacent States is:
California: ~140 miles or 224 km
Arizona: ~372 miles or 595 km
New Mexico: ~179 miles or 286 km
Texas: ~1,241 miles or 1,985 km
The map below demonstrates some of the difficulties. Texas has the largest individual segment, with >50% of the total border. The other three states are much harder to cross now because of the border fence/wall. [Photo above / map below.] The natural geographical boundary between Texas and Mexico is the Rio Grande River.
Texas has tried to stem the flow of people crossing the Rio Grande by putting in 1000 ft sections of buoys, in the high migration areas.
The buoys are fastened to the river bottom and have nets to prevent people from swimming underneath. The buoys rotate so that people can't climb over them. Sadly this has caused people to be hurt or drowned — see the title photo of father & son above.
Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas
(The Abbott Family)
Abbott is trying to close the border because of the many issues arising from this unconstrained migration — imagine the security problems from millions of non-citizens entering Texas.
Greg was born into a Christian family and when at university, his girl-friend (now wife!) Cecilia, invited him to Sunday Mass. He converted to Catholicism!
January 24# he released his “Border Statement” explaining his actions. He states: “The federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the States. The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now. President Biden has refused to enforce those laws and has even violated them.”
Abbott accused Biden of having “violated his oath to faithfully execute immigration laws enacted by Congress.” He is supported by 25 Republican Governors. (Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Indiana; Iowa; Louisiana; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Utah; Virginia; West Virginia; Wyoming.)
Strong stuff — and has a major risk of escalation.
“A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” [Ronald Reagan]
~6 million immigrants is more than the population of 33 individual States.
In that 6 million, there are at least 617,607 people on Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) non-detained docket who have criminal convictions or are pending criminal charges. At the same time, in fiscal year 2023, the Biden Administration removed ~60% fewer criminal aliens with criminal convictions and criminal charges, than in fiscal year 2019.
In 2014, the Huffington Post reported that ~80% of female migrants were raped coming across the border.
(A “rape tree” with panties hung as trophies.)
The cartels profit enormously from this massive flow of people, to the tune of at least $24 Billion USD (using the conservative number of US$4,000 per head, though Chinese people pay up to US$75,000 a head.)
If migrants cannot pay, they may be conscripted into becoming drug mules or are tracked through America and made to pay later — indentured servitude to the cartel. Some drugs come across the border, though experts say that most are smuggled through ports of entry. Over 100,000 Americans per annum are dying from fentanyl overdose.
Add to this, children are being trafficked for sex and there is a vast increase in the sexual exploitation of boys.
Look at these numbers and guess which enemy countries have sent sleeper agents into America. Organized crime & terrorist organizations must be doing the same. Are decent folk crossing the border in search of a better life? Absolutely! Are there ‘bad actors’ who wish harm to America? Certainly.
There are about 50 border crossings where migrants can apply legally to enter the States, so anyone encouraging illegal migration is complicit with the crimes and misery involved. Such illegal migration does not increase “the dignity of the individual.”
Pope Francis
Pope Francis weighed in on the issue of migration with his long-winded encyclical, Fratelli Tutti. The Holy Father presents a naïve and idealized image of refugees and migrants. He discusses mass migration as if it brings minor, easily-solved, problems:
“Migrants are not seen as entitled like others to participate in the life of society, and it is forgotten that they possess the same intrinsic dignity as any person. Hence they ought to be “agents in their own redemption”. No one will ever openly deny that they are human beings, yet in practice, by our decisions and the way we treat them, we can show that we consider them less worthy, less important, less human. For Christians, this way of thinking and acting is unacceptable, since it sets certain political preferences above deep convictions of our faith: the inalienable dignity of each human person regardless of origin, race or religion, and the supreme law of fraternal love.”
“Europe, for example, seriously risks taking this path. Nonetheless, “aided by its great cultural and religious heritage, it has the means to defend the centrality of the human person and to find the right balance between its twofold moral responsibility to protect the rights of its citizens and to assure assistance and acceptance to migrants”.”
(Pope Francis signing Fratelli Tutti at the tomb of St. Francis 2020.)
The Encyclical was inspired by St. Francis and the Pope signed it at the tomb of Saint Francis in 2020: “Of the counsels Francis offered, I would like to select the one in which he calls for a love that transcends the barriers of geography and distance, and declares blessed all those who love their brother “as much when he is far away from him as when he is with him”.”
If the Pope uses St. Francis as his moral compass, perhaps he should take the whole Franciscan package?
Franciscan Vows of Obedience, “Poverty” & Chastity
The essential part of the Franciscan vow is:
The web site of the Franciscan Friars clarifies their vow. They do not profess “poverty,” which they see as an evil. Rather, Franciscans profess the abandonment of personal material goods — a subtle but major difference. (For example, St. Francis encouraged the use of silver vessels during Mass for the greater glory and honour of God.)
Obviously the Pope is celibate and obedient to the word of God (though on Earth he is the arbiter of that.) Material goods is the stickler.
For perspective, the Catholic Church in Germany has US$26 Billion: France US$23 Billion and Australia US$20 Billion. The wealth of the Vatican is unknown but the Vatican Bank manages €700m of its own equity and has gold reserves worth over $20m stored in the US Federal Reserve!
(Young men crossing US Mexico border)
When St. Peter’s Square is chock-a-block with the tents of Muslims (all intent on the eradication of Christianity) and the 5000 buildings owned by the Vatican are full of migrants and the Church’s wealth has been depleted to support them all, the Pope will have the moral high-ground to lecture the world on mass migration. Otherwise, he joins the ranks of people from Martha’s Vineyard and the Mayor of NYC.
(Obama estate on Martha’s Vineyard)
Martha’s Vineyard
Liberal hypocrisy was demonstrated by the reaction to 50 Venezuelan migrants flown from Florida to Martha’s Vineyard by Governor Ron DeSantis in 2022.
Martha’s Vineyard, a Massachusetts island north-east of New York, is home to the rich and famous. (Including as the Obama’s; journalist Mike Wallace; television host David Letterman; journalist Diane Sawyer; former chief executive of Colony Capital Richard Saltzman; director Spike Lee.)
The 50 migrants were not offered accommodation in any of the massive vacant homes, nor space to camp on the large estates…but were shipped off the island within 44 hours!!
You can’t make this stuff up!
New York City
Another demo of liberal hypocrisy is seen in the “sanctuary city” of New York which had services stretched beyond capacity by only ~60,000 migrants under their care. Mayor Eric Adams planned to stop sheltering single adults after just 2 months and started evictions in September 2023. Adams claimed that by 2025 the cost of caring for migrants will total US$12 Billion.
His other brilliant idea was to “temporarily” house 95,000 asylum seekers in giant tents in Central Park! What a genius. This would lead to the the mass exodus of everyone who could afford to leave NYC, the eradication of all tourism and have the whole city spiral into being a slum.
Nefarious forces
People around the world are being encouraged, and funded, to migrate. Even economic migrants are told to apply for asylum on arrival to ‘fast track’ services and increase legal protections.
A big issue is when people come to a country with no intention of assimilating the local culture. Some European cultures appear to be lost already. Gaddafi’s prediction is coming true: “Islam Will Conquer Europe Without Firing a Shot.”
It is heartening to read optimistic reports about the US: “…it’s highly unlikely to lead to a Civil War… Average Americans would do well to tune out those crazies and provocateurs no matter how reliable their insight might have earlier been on other issues since the greater good isn’t advanced by such fearmongering.” Let us pray that this is the case.
Kevin Hay
You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 / Twitter / Twi𝕏: @ kevinhay77