Kamala's Anti-Religious Bigotry

Can we agree that few politicians are truly honest?!

Politicians are known to dissemble — if not directly lie — about their personal views, so as to maintain their voter base or garner new votes. Honest politicians tend not to last very long, especially since the advent of Cancel Culture!

When looking at anti-religious bias, we must differentiate between the promotion of a secular agenda through debate & persuasion — and the unreasonable use of power to limit dissent and opposition. Harris’ track record proves her anti-religious bias.


Harris co-sponsored legislation called the “The Equality Act” in 2018, putting free speech and conscience-protection rights in jeopardy. It would also disable the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a tremendous blow to religious-liberty protections.

Harris co-wrote legislation in 2019 called the Do No Harm Act, which would weaken the reasonable protections of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act — protections requiring any government restriction of religious expression to demonstrate a compelling interest and employ the least restrictive means. Changing this standard would make it harder for many institutions to maintain their religious identity.

It is alleged that:

“In 2015, she used her power as California attorney general to put six Catholic hospitals out of business on behalf of another of her political patrons, the Service Employees International Union.”

To be fair, the Daughters of Charity were running the 6 non-profit hospitals at a $10 million loss per annum, so they were trying to sell them to Prime Healthcare from Canada. After pressure from a union which was contributing to her campaign, Kamala put "onerous and unprecedented conditions” on Prime — including the provision of abortion. Prime later pulled out of the deal and the hospitals were sold to an American company.

Harris regulating the speech of Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers by co-sponsoring “the Reproductive FACT Act, which required pro-life pregnancy centers to post notices that provided information on where to obtain abortions.” The U.S. Supreme Court later ruled that this violated the right to free speech because it ‘compelled speech.’ (And Kamala did not require abortion clinics to post notices providing information on where women can get help to continue with their pregnancy.)


Kamala is patently pro-abort, but she also uses her position and power to suppress pro-life views.

While receiving thousands of dollars from Planned Parenthood, in 2016 Kamala used her position as Attorney General to raid on pro-life activist David Daleiden’s home. The raid was in response to Daleiden’s undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood, which showed organization officials discussing costs for fetal tissue and body parts. (It is illegal to sell fetal tissue and body parts.) She claimed Daleiden broke several laws when obtaining videos of Planned Parenthood officials. He was charged with 15 felonies related to allegations of falsification of identity and invasion of privacy. He pleaded guilty, but the case is still ongoing.Importantly, “she never launched an investigation into the allegations against Planned Parenthood.” Daleiden’s video’s are on-line.


The Knights of Columbus is a 136 year-old Catholic Fraternal organization in North America especially, with over 2 million members worldwide. Fr. McGivney founded the Knights to provide insurance to Catholic families; mutual aid, especially to widows & orphans; to support the Church and be a fundraiser for charity. It is very similar to the Knights of Columbanus in Ireland.

As a senator, Harris’ questioning of 3 Catholic judicial nominees — Brian Buescher, Paul Matey and Peter Phipps — suggested that she believed membership in the Knights of Columbus is a reason for disqualification from the federal bench!

She asked of Brian Buescher:

“Since 1993, you have been a member of the Knights of Columbus, an all-male society comprised primarily of Catholic men. In 2016, Carl Anderson, leader of the Knights of Columbus, described abortion as “a legal regime that has resulted in more than 40 million deaths.” Mr. Anderson went on to say that “abortion is the killing of the innocent on a massive scale.” Were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed a woman’s right to choose when you joined the organization?”

Follow-up questions included:

“Were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed marriage equality when you joined the organization?” and,

“Have you ever, in any way, assisted with or contributed to advocacy against women’s reproductive rights?”

The U.S. Constitution states: “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States” so this questioning probably breached Buescher’s constitutional rights. (MEA CULPA! I’m a Knight & guilty of cooking burgers for charity!)


(Click image to link to the 2 video’s)


It is clear that Harris uses her power and position to push an anti-religious agenda.

Religious Americans — especially Christians — should be wary of what she will do as POTUS.

Kevin Hay

You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 ( Twitter / Twi𝕏 ) @ kevinhay77